Netflix asks federal court to block charges over ‘Cuties’ film – IOTW Report

Netflix asks federal court to block charges over ‘Cuties’ film

PM: When the Netflix film “Cuties” initially came out in September 2020, it was quickly hailed by left-wing elites as a cultural success. Receiving raving reviews from niche audiences, the movie instantly grabbed national headlines and stole the mainstream media spotlight. It even made the French Academy Award’s shortlist for the Best International Feature Film category at the 2021 awards ceremony.

But as “Cuties” began its climb in popularity among left-wing circles, it also began receiving a different kind of attention when a grand jury hit Netflix with an indictment in October of 2020 for displaying patterns of behavior that sexualized pre-teen children. Netflix has attempted to get the indictment tossed out of state court in Texas, while new child porn indictments were filed in the past week. more

11 Comments on Netflix asks federal court to block charges over ‘Cuties’ film

  1. Hollywood fucksticks trying to normalize child rape, and they figure now’s the time, with a child rapist being pretendident and all.

    Sure, you can normalize pedophilia.

    Among all the child molesters in hell. Pretty normal there.

    And you’re sure giving folks a reason to help you with your trip there, speed you on your way, somewhere around 3,000 fps.

    Go on, cocksuckers.

    Fuck around.

    Find out.

  2. The average, good-hearted, tolerant person has now reached their limit and are fighting back.

    It began with resisting mandates, escalated with the Canadian Trucker convoy, and is growing and morphing as more and more good people realize they are not alone. (and that they have been deceived by so many of our so called “betters”)

  3. The movie posters were a pedophiles wet dream. They probably cover every wall in the husk’s basement. That’s why he spends every weekend in Delaware.

  4. So, if Netflix is convicted of “displaying patterns of behavior that sexualized pre-teen children”? What? All the paper copies of shares get put in a cage? For a few decades?

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