Netflix employee who most opposes Chapelle has resigned – IOTW Report

Netflix employee who most opposes Chapelle has resigned

PM: Terra Field, the Netflix employee who organized protests against comedian Dave Chapelle, has announced on Monday that she is resigning from the company.

She and her ex co-worker B. Pagels Minor have also both withdrawn a legal action they filed in Oct. 2021 against the streaming giant for unfair labor practices.

According to NBC News, Laurie Burgess, a lawyer representing both Field and Pagels-Minor, stated, “My clients have resolved their differences with Netflix and will be voluntarily withdrawing their NLRB charge.”

A Netflix spokesperson released a similar statement, saying that all parties “have resolved our differences in a way that acknowledges the erosion of trust on both sides and, we hope, enables everyone to move on.”more

9 Comments on Netflix employee who most opposes Chapelle has resigned

  1. I could have made a lot of money? I quit Verizon when the shit was splattered on the wall. I joined ABC, before they were Disney, yeah, then I quit them, too.

    I don’t know. I don’t particularly want to hurt people.

    I want to do my job and go home. Even if that hurts a few testers and plant engineers.

    I understand what you have to do. I also understand what I have to do.

  2. “the erosion of trust on both sides and, we hope, enables everyone to move on”

    Well they move on to another act they can sue and demand money from. “Erosion of trust?” I’ve never had erosion of trust because I don’t trust anyone. Seems if I let my guard down, there’s something waiting to bite me on my butt. BTW, I like Dave Chapelle, I think he’s funny and his “White Power” act is hilarious! If the “N” word bothers you, it’s okay, it’s a black guy saying it.

    My son can imitate Chapelle perfectly – his favorite acts by Chapelle are the Slippery Johnson acts.


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