Neumayr: Hunter Biden Cashed In to Fuel His Drug and Sex Habits – IOTW Report

Neumayr: Hunter Biden Cashed In to Fuel His Drug and Sex Habits

Ordinary Joe has an extraordinarily dirty son.

American Spectator: Say what you want about the Trump kids, none of them have been found with a crack pipe on them. The same can’t be said for Hunter Biden. I picked up the New York Post yesterday morning and found an informative reprint from The Intercept by Ryan Grim, who details Hunter’s dirtbaggery, including this revealing tidbit: “One particularly out-of-control bender, which included a crack pipe found in a rental car, took place while Biden was making $50,000 a month serving on the board of [the Ukrainian company] Burisma.”

Therein lies one of the obvious motives for his shameless cashing in on his last name. For years he has had a very expensive drug habit. Drugs aren’t cheap, and neither are loose women — two of Hunter’s favorite pastimes.

Earlier this year, Hunter got hit with a paternity suit by a woman in Arkansas. Then there are his Ashley Madison troubles: Hunter’s name turned up in its subscriber data after the dating site for adulterers got hacked. Popped, Hunter tried to explain it away as a dirty trick by the Russians. But reporter Patrick Howley traced the breached subscriber data back to the school where Hunter was teaching: a lot more here

11 Comments on Neumayr: Hunter Biden Cashed In to Fuel His Drug and Sex Habits

  1. I have a very dear friend named Hunter- so every time I see Biden’s son on here I take great offence. 😑

    And okay, media, how the heck do you explain this away???
    The guy is a scum hole (just like his dad), with hard drugs added into the mix.

    Can’t defend that sort of recklessness and selfish behavior.

  2. You could put this on Times Square Jumbotron and the dems wouldn’t care one iota.

    This and more was laid out months ago in The New Yorker of all places (albeit with flowery prose and sympathetic excuses). No, the dems and RINO’s are more interested in Trump’s tax returns, profits from his businesses and his too long ties.

  3. This crop of demos is so BAD you have to wonder at the nature of reality itself. Just like the lib media. It is SO bad that they are firing hordes of their own, losing money, and even secret recordings show the workers themselves bewildered by the mess. Then this whole Biden thing is worse than even hilarity, though similarities exist. One son has sex with his brothers widow? Then goes on a world tour of extortion? Then gets caught with hard drugs? THEN his father claims he would never bring this spawn into the white house… And this (bad) plastic surgery, bleeding eye moron wants to be president? I see this is a bad movie.
    Meanwhile the only dem who is sane and attractive and coherent (Tulsi) is shunned.


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