Neurotic Women! – IOTW Report

Neurotic Women!

Patriot Retort:

Did you see this tweet from NPR last night?


Boy, it must be a handicap not to have any self-awareness.

So, let me see if I follow this.

The memo in question said, among other things, that there are scientific differences between men and women.

And one of the differences he cites is women tend to be neurotic.

Neuroticism (higher anxiety, lower stress tolerance).This may contribute to the higher levels of anxiety women report on Googlegeist and to the lower number of women in high stress jobs.

And how do the neurotic women of Google prove him wrong?

Well, they became so anxious over the content of the memo they needed to take the day off.

That’ll show ‘em!

16 Comments on Neurotic Women!

  1. If Goog called me to offer a great paying job, I’d hang up on them. Sounds like I’d spend more time in their re-education seminars than actually doing any work.
    And I’m too old to learn new tricks.


    💙 If I am interviewed by a WOMAN, I don’t do well b/c I don’t want the job. Seriously, I HATE working for women. Don’t make me pull out a list of adjectives to describe them, cuz it’s a long list.

    💙 Working WITH women is a minefield. I STEER CLEAR of interaction with them. I just WORK, keep nose to the grindstone, and never get drawn into their gossipy, cliquey jr. high school dramas. One slight disagreement, and their whole clique goes into opposition mode against you.

    💙 For God’s sake, don’t date anyone from work, don’t argue with women, don’t get caught up in gossip, and DON’T even pay attention too them no matter how much cleavage is hanging out. Pretend they are not there, do your work, say little, and you’ll probably keep your sanity and job longer than most.

    💙 If you gotta protest like the stupid google engineer, do it with a Trac-phone not in your name, McDonald’s wifi, fake email account.

  3. unfortunately, this condition apparently permeates the entire staff of google. All the way to the top. I don’t use google, I don’t tweet, I don’t facebook and I’m a happy man.

  4. Wow, I love the way so many aquaint ALL women with the Googoo hysterics.

    Some women ARE adults, who work hard and handle quite a bit of stress. We’re not all vapid crybabies.

  5. I am married to a serious, level headed woman who takes her work seriously and suffers fools reluctantly.
    I tolerate her 20 minute rant nightly and always offer her the opportunity to quit on the spot while helpfully offering parting zingers to use for Penny, Tammy 1 and Tammy 2

    It sounds like a psych ward.

    Estrogen overload and mass psychos. Not much time for real work to get done.

    Office has one too many Tammys and one too many Penny’s. I would not last a few hours with these needy nutjobs. Every thing is a drama.

  6. Kat is right.
    But the SJW’s and the feminists (much like the out of control blacks ruin it for regular blacks) are just hardcore hysterical. And because of that, they become OUR cross to bear. It’s disgusting and I’m tired of it. Feminists are everything they claim to hate.

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