Nevada – IOTW Report


Jim Marchant for Nevada Secretary of State.

Jim Marchant Disputes Claims Of Polling Leaning Towards Democrats In Nevada.

5 Comments on Nevada

  1. ***Bearer of BAD NEWS FOR NEVADA***
    Sorry to say it but I wouldn’t get my hopes up for ANY Republican in Nevada.

    Being relatively new to Nevada I didn’t realize they mail ballots to EVERY voter for EVERY election now.
    I thought that was simply for covid?

    Stupid me, this is a state formerly run by the mob.
    Now it’s run by an even worse hive of scum and villainy.

    Anyway, I just checked the state website and my ballot had a “Request date” of 9/27/2022 and a “Mail date” of 10/13/2022.

    I NEVER received my ballot!!!
    Nope, it did not make it to my mailbox.

    Therefore, today when I vote I must sign a document, per the website:

    If you have your mail ballot with you, you must surrender it at the voting site.
    If you do not have your mail ballot with you, you must sign an affirmation that you are not voting more than once in the same election.

    Nevada is ripe for fraud. They might as well publish the results this morning.
    Why bother waiting?
    We get Sad-sack Sisolack for another few years along with all the other prick asshole rat-bastards.

    Somebody, a postman or democrat ballot harvester has likely retrieved it and will vote straight democrat.
    It’s either that or postal/government incompetence.
    Either way, Nevada is fucked and stolen.

    Loco calling Nevada LOST at 3:05 AM PST…

  2. Loco, the mail -in is a new thing in NV since Covid. I received a mailing last year giving me a choice to opt out of mail-in, which I did. I voted early in my small Nevada town. I’m afraid they might tally all the in-person voting State-wide first, then they’ll know how many Clarke Co mail-ins they have to “find” to tilt it Dem.


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