Nevada Doctors Sue Democrat Governor Over Hydroxychloroquine Ban (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Nevada Doctors Sue Democrat Governor Over Hydroxychloroquine Ban (VIDEO)

GatewayPundit: In March — Nevada’s Governor Steve Sisolak (D) issued an emergency order limiting access to the use of anti-malaria drugs such as hydroxychloroquine for Coronavirus patients.

But there’s more…
If you read the governor’s order he also prevented senior citizens from using chloroquine as a prophylactic to ward off the disease.

Governor Sisolak’s Chief Medical Officer of Nevada is named Ihsan Azzam and he is the one who advised Gov. Sisolak to make it illegal to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 victims unless in an institutional setting.  Ihsan Azzam does not have a license to practice medicine in the United States and yet he is dictating public health policy in Nevada.

Now Nevada doctors are suing the Democrat governor for the right to prescribe hydroxychloroquine on their patients. more here

4 Comments on Nevada Doctors Sue Democrat Governor Over Hydroxychloroquine Ban (VIDEO)

  1. Bog down these would-be dictators in miles of litigation, this has been one of their go-to plays for decades. I like how we are finally beginning to realize the war that has been waged upon us and are finally fighting back using the same tactics.
    “Fire with fire” I think is the term that used to be stated.
    I appreciate how little I hear “but this isn’t who we are” or “we should just put this behind us and move on” anymore. Following that advice for too long is precisely why we kept losing inch-by-inch, foot-by-foot, and mile-by-mile so that the would-be dictators felt they had the political authority to pull this cockamamie stuff.


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