Nevada: Elizabeth Warren’s new campaign racism scandal is just as hypocritical as you’d expect – IOTW Report

Nevada: Elizabeth Warren’s new campaign racism scandal is just as hypocritical as you’d expect

Wa Examiner: Elizabeth Warren is painfully woke — except when it comes to her own campaign’s culture of racial hostility.

The Massachusetts Democrat was the first 2020 presidential candidate to endorse affirmative action for nonbinary people, and she has also signaled potential support for slavery reparations and even offered a mea culpa for her white privilege. But new reports reveal that, as is so often the case, Warren’s wokeness is mostly just virtue-signaling and evidently doesn’t actually translate to treating minorities well.

As the Washington Examiner has reported, six minority women have quit Warren’s Nevada campaign due to a perceived toxic work environment. Former field organizer Megan Lewis said there was something “wrong with the culture” and told reporters that she “filed a complaint with HR, but the follow-up I received left me feeling as though I needed to make myself smaller or change who I was to fit into the office culture.” read more

8 Comments on Nevada: Elizabeth Warren’s new campaign racism scandal is just as hypocritical as you’d expect

  1. GEEZUS, her campaign is about promising anything to everyone…but I’m so glad she’s in the race for the long haul since she and Bernie trump the buttplug dude.

    How absolutely perverted and sickening is the left? I’m loving it.

    Sanders/Warren 2020!

    Take a rest, Joe!

  2. Corporations get caught up in this shit.

    “Let’s hire a bunch of minorities, and women to do shit like climb telephone poles. We’ll create a huge media event and hiring event where we focus on the FIRST FEMALE TELEPHONE MAN. It will be awesome.”

    Two years later they realized they fucked up. 10 years later they realize it’s fucking up the money. 20 years later the company is realizing they’re within 100 yards of becoming insolvent in certain districts.

    Your job is to do your job. Your job isn’t to be black. Your job isn’t to be white. Your job isn’t to be female, or male.

    What the millennials have forgotten (or never knew) is that you need to do whatever the fuck you were hired you to do. Do it well. Or lose your situation.


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