Nevada Governor Sisolak(D) makes it legal to willfully infect someone with HIV – IOTW Report

Nevada Governor Sisolak(D) makes it legal to willfully infect someone with HIV

360 News Las Vegas-

Rob Lauer Political Reporter

Radical California Gay advocates won a huge victory in Nevada this week when Gov. Sisolak signed a bill decriminalizing intentionally infecting someone with HIV/AIDs As our local Dem News celebrated Sisolak’s pro-gay bill signing they forgot to mention the details.

As celebrated on Dem News Fox 5:

SB 275: repeals a Nevada statute that makes it a felony for someone who has tested positive for HIV to intentionally, knowingly or willfully engage in conduct that is intended or likely to transmit the disease. The law also reestablishes the Advisory Task Force on HIV Exposure Modernization for the 2021-2022 Legislative interim, Sisolak said. 

“Repealing that statute means a person who has contracted HIV and who engaged in such behavior would instead be given a warning as their first offense and, after a second offense, would be guilty of a misdemeanor — a punishment that is consistent with the treatment of other communicable diseases,” the group Silver State Equality said in a media release.

Research shows that people living with HIV on effective treatment cannot transmit the virus, the group explained.


25 Comments on Nevada Governor Sisolak(D) makes it legal to willfully infect someone with HIV

  1. So we act like protecting someone from a virus with a 99.9% recovery except for those that have 2.9 or more comorbidities or is over 80 is such a life or death matter we quarantine healthy people and make them wear immunity suppressing illness spreading dirty face masks but if we have HIV we can just willingly infect everyone. Makes perfect sense in this idiocracy we tolerate today.

  2. ” Research shows that people living with HIV on effective treatment cannot transmit the virus, the group explained. ”

    This makes no sense.
    The law makes it legal to knowingly infect someone. Knowingly, as in: with forethought. Regardless of whether they are ‘on effective treatment’ or not.
    That’s nuts
    ‘the group explained’ yeah, we know that group- the misery loves company alphabutts

  3. Ontario Canada, a few years back…

    Liberal Kathleen Wynne De criminalized consciously infecting someone with HIV.

    Blame Canada! It is where your leaders are getting their shitiest, stupidest, least productive concepts.

  4. Ideally, he could be gang raped by a bunch of infected homosezualls with HIV and he couldn’t collect any damages. Other than the collective damage to his ass. 🤣

  5. This country is failing faster and embracing Satan tighter than I would have ever guessed.

    The good side??
    It means Jesus will return sooner than we may expect.


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