Nevada gubernatorial candidates line up to challenge Democrat Sisolak – IOTW Report

Nevada gubernatorial candidates line up to challenge Democrat Sisolak

Just The News: The list of Nevada gubernatorial candidates seeking to challenge incumbent Gov. Steve Sisolak is growing ahead of an election that’s still more than a year away.

Sisolak is entering reelection season with millions in the bank, according to a report by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. He was first elected in 2018 by less than five percentage points in what the newspaper describes as “still very much a swing state.”

Even though candidates don’t have to declare their intent to run until March 2022, the Republican primary camp is already filling up. more

4 Comments on Nevada gubernatorial candidates line up to challenge Democrat Sisolak

  1. It could be good, but it would mean nothing in Ohio, because the choices here are Democrat Governors in name, or Democrat Governors who call themselves Republicans but don’t do anything different than a Democrat would.

    So the only thing WE get to pick is the letter the Democrat has behind his name, there’s never any real difference otherwise…

  2. Sisolak won in 18 because the Demonrat cheating machine in Nevada was WAY ahead of the national level of cheating. Dirty Vegas politics are ancient news here.
    Sisolak is a crooked Vegas politician who is in bed with and beholden to the big casino interests….and casinos TELL THEIR EMPLOYEES who to vote for. The commie unions are also a part of that vote rigging. I PERSONALLY know one of the GOP candidates who has declared….a good decent man. Unfortunately I also know he HAS NO CHANCE TO WIN because the vote fraud the left routinely commits here will insure that fact.

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