Nevada: Insurgent Danny Tarkanian Leads Mitch McConnell’s Incumbent Dean Heller 44 to 38 – IOTW Report

Nevada: Insurgent Danny Tarkanian Leads Mitch McConnell’s Incumbent Dean Heller 44 to 38

Big Gov:

Danny Tarkanian, the anti-establishment conservative challenging anti-Trump establishment Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) in Nevada’s primary, has solidified his lead over Heller in a new poll from JMC Analytics released on Friday morning.


The poll of 500 likely Republican primary voters in Nevada conducted from Oct. 24 to Oct. 26 shows Tarkanian leading Heller by six percent, outside the survey’s margin of error. Tarkanian, at 44 percent, is towering over Heller, who is down at just 38 percent. For a sitting senator to be polling under 40 percent in his own primary—never mind under 50 percent—this far out from next summer’s primary is a horrendous sign for Heller, and another cause for worry for the GOP establishment in Washington which has been dealt a series of stinging defeats in recent weeks. Tarkanian’s six-point lead is outside the poll’s 4.4 percent margin of error, and is the second survey in recent weeks showing Tarkanian leading Heller—the other one from JMC Analytics shows the same thing, a Tarkanian lead.

A whopping 86 percent of those surveyed are more likely to support a GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate who backs President Donald Trump’s agenda, 70 percent much more likely and 16 percent somewhat more likely. Only 11 percent are either somewhat or much less likely to back a GOP senate candidate who supports Trump’s agenda.  read more

5 Comments on Nevada: Insurgent Danny Tarkanian Leads Mitch McConnell’s Incumbent Dean Heller 44 to 38

  1. I participated in this poll and relished every response indicating that Dean Heller had completely lost my support. Danny isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he is a true conservative who will support the president and help move forward his agenda.

  2. In other good news, the Virginia gubernatorial election Nov 07: conservative Gillespie (endorsed by PDT) is encouragingly ahead in polls over Dem Northam, endorsed by the Kaine-McAuliffe Machine.

    VA’s Constitution was amended to a one-term Governor. Term limits work.

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