Nevada judge agrees to hear Trump campaign evidence of alleged voter fraud – IOTW Report

Nevada judge agrees to hear Trump campaign evidence of alleged voter fraud

Just The News-

A judge in Nevada has set a date in December to hear from Republicans alleging widespread voter fraud in the state.

Judge James Russell of the First Judicial District Court will hear from attorneys representing President Trump’s campaign at an evidentiary hearing on Dec. 3, at which up to 15 witnesses may be deposed, Russell said. 

“The complaint is kind of a very limited nature, challenging basically the machine used in Clark County,” the judge also said. 

Trump campaign attorney Jesse Binnall said that the bulk of the evidence in the case will come from deposed witnesses.

“We will have whistleblower testimony showing that overnight, the disks that were used to hold votes would magically have votes appear and reappear on the same desk,” Binnall said. more

24 Comments on Nevada judge agrees to hear Trump campaign evidence of alleged voter fraud

  1. What’s the point, Nevada has already “certified” it’s election results;

    The Nevada Supreme Court approved the state’s election results Tuesday, and Biden won by a margin of 33,596 votes over President Donald Trump.

    Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania have also now certified Biden’s victories, and North Carolina, which went for Trump, also certified their results Tuesday.

    Even if the Trump campaign were to successfully block certification in the remaining battleground states that voted for Biden, Arizona and Wisconsin, the president-elect would still have more than 270 electoral vote.”

    It’s way less painful to just accept the obvious.

  2. A lawyer explained that certifying votes doesn’t meant much at this point. It’s for show. and it will be worse for the state if their votes were found to be fraudulent because citizens can come out of the woodwork to sue them.

  3. Here’s my question, if the suit is about the machine giving an altered and false count of the ballots wouldn’t a recount of them on the same machines compared to a hand recount of them by people make it obvious?

    What’s the purpose of relying on deposed witnesses in place of actual physical evidence that can be easily examined to try to prove the case?

  4. rich taylor
    NOVEMBER 25, 2020 AT 9:53 AM

    “What’s the point, Nevada has already “certified” it’s election results;

    It’s way less painful to just accept the obvious.”

    …not really.

    When they stop fighting in the courts, we start fighting in the streets.

    That MAY be less painful.

    Depends on the accuracy of the shooter, I suppose…

  5. Anonymous – If I remember right, this means the county is on notice that the materials will be investigated. Hopefully, some of the witnesses have the proof on them already. (photos, recordings, etc.)
    But no one is going to tip their hand about that now anyway.

  6. MJA ,”It’s for show.”

    The vote was certified by the Nevada Supreme Court. Yeah, I guess SCOTUS could intercede and overturn it with rock solid evidence that over 33,000 votes are fraudulent, not likely.

    Supernightshade ,”Depends on the accuracy of the shooter, I suppose…”, so just to be clear, your solution is for the Republicans to take to the streets and foment armed insurrection against our own government?

    I know, hyperbole and all, but TBH this doesn’t make me feel better about the election outcome.

  7. MJA.

    How long will the process take?

    Can it be done fast enough, considering all the delays that could happen with various hearings, to finish it in time to have an effect on the electoral outcome?

  8. rich taylor
    NOVEMBER 25, 2020 AT 10:24 AM

    “so just to be clear, your solution is for the Republicans to take to the streets and foment armed insurrection against our own government?”

    …if they install a corrupt pedophile on the basis of fraudulent election results generated by the manipulation of foreign malefactors, it won’t be OUR government we’ll be in armed insurrection against…

    …it HAS come up before, though.

    …and you’ll notice that we are not citizens of the Crown…

    “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
    -Declaration of Independence

  9. rich taylor
    NOVEMBER 25, 2020 AT 10:24 AM

    …also, I didn’t say it will be fun or desirable or in any way what I WANT to happen. I abhor the violence they are pushing us to.

    …but its not like they’ll leave you in peace if you just roll over and accept it.

    They WILL come for you, and your children, sooner or later.

    …but if you yield to their lies NOW, they WILL take your ability to resist LATER, so you’re not gonna have much alternative but to line up for the boxcars if you let it go that long…

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    -Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , “The Gulag Archipelago”

    …if they steal, we’ll ALL have a choice to make.

    And it will be a deadly one.

    Either way you make it.

  10. Supernightshade, your DOI quote is meaningless because, as you already noted, it was aimed at a despotic monarchy, a system that we do not at present live under.

    Its a good thing that the Democrats last election did not have your zeal. They too thought the election was stolen from them. They had no evidence, mind you, but armed insurrection against what they thought was a rigged election outcome would have been disastrous.

    “…but if you yield to their lies NOW, they WILL take your ability to resist LATER, so you’re not gonna have much alternative but to line up for the boxcars if you let it go that long…”

    Godwin’s law notwithstanding, so you think anything short armed conflict in the streets (not even sure what this means, shooting everyone in-authority, is that what you mean?)to in your mind ,”rolling over and giving up”?

    Off to go play tennis, will look at this later.

  11. Anonymous
    NOVEMBER 25, 2020 AT 10:38 AM

    “They already seem to be preparing to do what you advocate.”

    …I advocate nothing. I’m simply stating that it will happen, desirable or not.


    Or later.

    …more will die if later, but many will die either way.

    I don’t like it.

    I don’t want it.

    But Democrats have driven us to the Rubicon, so we either cross, or die.

    Not my choice at all.

    But one that must be made regardless…

  12. rich taylor
    NOVEMBER 25, 2020 AT 10:49 AM

    ,”…your DOI quote is meaningless because, as you already noted, it was aimed at a despotic monarchy, a system that we do not at present live under.”

    …at present, no.

    Under an illegitimate, foreign installed figurehead, yes.

    But the DOI, as you call it, is ALWAYS relevant to tyranny.

    Play tennis if you wish. You still have some freedom left.

    But know that just because you surrender first does not mean you will be eaten last…

  13. Adding to rich taylor’s point. Let’s say some of us finally get pissed off enough to stand up. It’s not happening in less the guy sitting beside you stands up too. And he probably won’t. So if we do get everybody standing, grab our weapons of mass destruction, and run to our cars, where are we going? State Capitals? DMV? We don’t have any command and control and that’s enough to cause you to fail.

  14. Not that it probably matters since the vote has already been certified, but Russell is a fourth-generation Nevadan whose father was a former Republican governor. He comes from a ranching family and they tend to be pretty conservative.

  15. Supernightshade , you use euphemisms like “boxcars” and “Rubicon”, but I’m asking you to get real specific here. Assuming Biden is sworn in in January, what are you advocating exactly? Give me a blue print of this revolution of yours.
    Do we shoot all government officials on sight; politicians, cops, firemen, postal workers, even the the county guy who is there to read your water meter?
    Do we declare this illegitimate government insolvent, ignoring all laws (vehicle, criminal, and civil) and not pay our taxes?
    Is it every man for himself so we just do what we want, take what we need and bugger the consequences?
    Is just a Biden win enough for you to launch your revolution or does actual civil ,liberties have to be suspended before we take up arms?

    I don’t want any ,”Give me liberty or give me death’ speeches here, how exactly do you see this revolution shaping up?

  16. Don’t be an idiot Rich, or expect ME to be one’s, its not my revolution, I won’t be leading it, and if I were I certainly wouldn’t discuss strategy and make confessions of criminal intent in an open forum. This is not the place to answer ANY of your questions because it would serve NO purpose other than to get everyone in trouble.

    As I said, I don’t advocate ANYTHING. If you’ve paid attention to ANYTHING I’ve written, my life has been about healing and construction, not death and destruction. I’m not trained for it, not skilled in it, and would likely die quick in doing something that is anathema to me because I WILL hesitate at a critical point.

    I KNOW that, about ME.

    Which is why I won’t be leading my troops across the face of North America anytime soon.

    But I am also a student of history, and I know where this is going, and come what may, I will not stand idly by as a pedophile is propped up at our head by foreigners.

    But with 70 million like minded individuals, history ALSO tells me a leader WILL emerge, or possibly even the legitimate President will call on the unorganized militia at the last. My part then will be defense of my Country and my President.

    Its LEGITIMATE President.

    But the process is still playing out. We’re not there yet. I am flexible in mind and will take what comes, but I am no Sparticus, so you will have to look elsewhere for marching orders, or for someone to surrender to. That us not my part.

    But whether you like platitudes or not, they still attain, so I’ll leave you with this one.

    “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
    -John Stuart Mill

    Do with it what you will…

  17. If you want to dodge my legitimate questions, that’s fine but I think it only fair that if you say you support a revolution, I would just like to know how that would manifest itself.

    “When they stop fighting in the courts, we start fighting in the streets.”

    OK, so I guess by “we”, this insinuates that you are willing to “start fighting in the streets”, what does this mean? It’s a legitimate question.

    You jersey pop with unsubstantiated claims that if I don’t think like you, that I am surrendering, am some how a coward, not really committed to the cause and I think that’s nonsense.

    “it won’t be OUR government we’ll be in armed insurrection against…”

    So this gives you license to foment armed insurrection because it’s not your government?

    “I will not stand idly by as a pedophile is propped up at our head by foreigners.”

    Which dovetails nicely into what I asked before, what “resistance” are you willing to accept and willing to condone.

    Are you saying that if Biden gets the WH, that armed insurrection is inevitable or does something else need to happen as a catalyst?

    I’m only asking for some clarification which you have been unwilling to provide.

  18. …I don’t know what you hope to achieve by attempting to bait me, but again, this is an open forum and for all I know you work for the Democrat Reeducation Team, so specifics you will NOT get. But, point for point…

    “If you want to dodge my legitimate questions, that’s fine
    …asking me to make IOTW into an indictable criminal conspiracy forum is NOT asking legitimate questions in the framework of a public blog. For better or worse, some thoughts are best not shared with everyone in the world at the request of oddly angry people who are no more than an Internet handle to me, who may be one person or many, and may work for the Chinese Government for all I know about him, or them.

    ” but I think it only fair that if you say you support a revolution, I would just like to know how that would manifest itself.”
    …You use the word “revolution” incorrectly. Supporting the LEGITIMATE President of the United States against a foreign installed “leader” is NOT a “revolution”, it’s National Defense. And again, it will manifest as the circumstances of self-defense and national defense require, but most likely NOT attacking random Government workers and burning uninvolved buildings down, we have the Left and Antifa for that, which is what THEY have been doing since 2016 with no visible opprorium from those who would rule us by means of this great deceit, so I would think we can expect more of the same FROM THEM regardless of how this turns out, although at some point THAT will evoke a response too as they venture further and further from freindly local Democrat governments in their support of this possibly incoming, but 100% illegal, regime…

    ‘“When they stop fighting in the courts, we start fighting in the streets.”

    OK, so I guess by “we”, this insinuates that you are willing to “start fighting in the streets”, what does this mean? It’s a legitimate question.’
    See the points above. Everything is situational, and we are not currently in that situation. But as I do not believe all 70 million people who will be very obviously disenfranchised by naked fraud will simply peacably accept a Vichy governor ruling as China’s marionette, I am reasonably confident that some activity will develop that very night and that I would participate in some manner. Again, beyond that I will not discuss with random Internet dude on an open forum.

    “You jersey pop with unsubstantiated claims that if I don’t think like you, that I am surrendering, am some how a coward, not really committed to the cause and I think that’s nonsense.”
    …well, CLEARLY you do not think like me if you are willing to accept a pedophile as your leader, and I have no context for the phrase “Jersy Pop”, but that’s neither here nor there. But you DO seem to indicate that you will take what comes and just meekly do what the nice Maoist tells you to do, and that is tatamount to surrender however you slice it. You seem to think that woe is me and nothing can be done if the President loses a single legal challenge, but you have nothing to offer as far as what to do about it yourself or even IF you think anything SHOULD be done about it, other than “Whelp, guess he’s our dictator now, nothing we can do, guess we’ll just have to accept every fraudulant election they have from now on as legit and welcome our new Communist party as our leaders for life”. Not sure what YOU want to call that, but it sounds pretty surrendery to me.

    ‘“it won’t be OUR government we’ll be in armed insurrection against…”

    So this gives you license to foment armed insurrection because it’s not your government?’
    …again, it’s not insurrection, armed or othewise, to defend a legitimate President of a Nation under attack from foreign invaders. Just because the Soviets installed puppet leaders in their satellite states did NOT make them the legitimate leaders of those states as they all answered to Moscow and were in no way representative of the will of their peoples, and so would it be in the event that we allowed Bejing to steal our election by remote control. And you will find the license for defense of this Nation and her President in the Second Amendment of the Constitution, as well as behind every blade of grass. But I do not foment as I am no leader of men, nor have I ever presented myself here as such, so the fomenting will have to come from some other quarter.

    ‘“I will not stand idly by as a pedophile is propped up at our head by foreigners.”

    Which dovetails nicely into what I asked before, what “resistance” are you willing to accept and willing to condone.’
    …which again would be a stupid thing to discuss with whoever you are in a public forum, so no, not going there. But not EVERY form of resistance necessarily involves violence, as Gandhi could tell you. There are many ways to resist and many paths to obstruct an enemy, all of which are situational, and none of which needs to be shouted from the mountaintops to everyone below. Call it evasive if you will and you’d be right to the extent that I would be evasive about showing everyone at the table what my poker hand is while playing cards, it simply isn’t everyone’s business and each person finds their own path in this. Resistance is the point, and if you’re reading “armed” into that, that’s YOUR add, not mine.

    “Are you saying that if Biden gets the WH, that armed insurrection is inevitable or does something else need to happen as a catalyst?

    I’m only asking for some clarification which you have been unwilling to provide.”
    …History tells us that a fraudulant election that results in placing an illegitate ruler over an oppressed people will result in resistance (again, not “Insurrection” as it would be in service of the LEGITIMATE President of a beleagured nation), but “armed” could certainly be a component of it if they continue to use brown shirts to violently attack citizens (as those who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse found out). But how and what form and on what timetable these things would happen is not for me to say, as it will spring from those more accustomed to defending this Nation by force of arms, and that, unfortunately, is not me. But as sure as the sunrise follows the darkness, there WILL be a reaction to the elevation by fraud of a puppet of a foreign government to the head of ours, regardless of how media synchophants may dress it up.

    And as a bonus, you said I violated Godwin’s law some time ago. If memory serves, Godwin’s law was a Usenet creation that said that anyone invoking Nazis automatically lost an argument online. This is no more a law than all the EOs that Governors put out there, but to the extent it matters, I don’t believe I used the word “Nazi” once, although I DID recently allude to a Vichy government, but that’s not the same thing.

    But it IS current for our times, as the Vichy government was simply a puppet of another nation telling the French what to do by one remove.

    And it would be no different in our situation, were this clearly frauluent election left to stand.

    And that’s where I’m going to have to leave you, at least in this forum and with the 0 information I have about who and what you really are and who you may or may not represent. Flame away from here, mon chéri, if it makes you feelz bedder, or not although I suspect you are incapable of not repsonding, but that’s where I’m going to leave it stand either way, so enjoy your last word…

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  20. Just a couple replies since I got to get the house in some shape for tomorrow.

    Its a shame you are not used to honest dialogue, using terms like baiting and flaming, I thought we were having a friendly exchange of ideas.

    And yes, using a term like “boxcars” evinces Nazism in all it’s ugliest, as in loading up the Jews. The other side uses it as a reflex, we can do better.

    “Everything is situational, and we are not currently in that situation.”

    OK, so if we are currently not in that situation then why all the chest thumping about fighting in the streets?

    “Supporting the LEGITIMATE President of the United States against a foreign installed “leader” is NOT a “revolution”, it’s National Defense.”

    And that is the same weak excuse your typical ANTIFA thug uses to justify his version of “fighting in the streets”. They justify violence and destruction because Trump to them was not legitimate, aided by those pesky Russians. What is the difference between ANTIFA fighting to the streets and your call for us to fight in the streets?

    I’ll close with this, I am a law and order type of guy by profession, trained and proficient in the use of firearms, so when I hear things like ,”Depends on the accuracy of the shooter”, and ,”We start fighting in the streets”, I think it is irresponsible, given what you admit is a situation that at present does not warrant it.

    No, I’m not a Chinese agent. Happy Thanksgiving.

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