Nevada Personifies Democrats’ Electoral Problems Nationwide – IOTW Report

Nevada Personifies Democrats’ Electoral Problems Nationwide


Ruy Teixeira is a liberal political scientist who has been sounding the alarm for the past decade about Democrats’ problems with Hispanic voters as well as working-class whites. And the state that most personifies the Democrats’ opportunities and challenges with these voters is Nevada.

Nevada is now a majority-minority state that Democrats have been carrying fairly easily in the last four presidential elections. Both United States senators and the governor are Democrats.

But despite the state’s continued, rapid diversification, the margins for Democratic victories have been narrowing.

But hidden in these facts are some troubling signs. Despite rapid diversification, the Democratic margin in Presidential elections from 2008 to 2016 declined sharply from 12.5 to 2.4 points. And in 2020, as the Democrats gained ground in the country as a whole, the Democratic margin in Nevada went from 2.4 points… 2.4 points. That means that—again, despite rapid diversification of the electorate—Nevada went from three-tenths of percentage more Democratic than the nation as a whole in 2016 to 2 points more Republican in 2020.

Nevada Hispanics make up 16 percent of the electorate. But the share of Hispanics voting Democrat declined precipitously — eight points between 2016 and 2020. MORE

14 Comments on Nevada Personifies Democrats’ Electoral Problems Nationwide

  1. the Democratic margin in Presidential elections from 2008 to 2016 declined sharply from 12.5 to 2.4 points. And in 2020, as the Democrats gained ground in the country as a whole, the Democratic margin in Nevada went from 2.4 points… 2.4 points.

    That was incomprehensible to me. Maybe it’s late on a Saturday night. It went from 2.4 to 2.4?

  2. I just ran across an IG group, LEXIT. “LEXIT is the official Latino exit of the Democrat party, dedicated to promoting traditional conservative values in order to preserve what America was founded on.”
    They’re growing exponentially.

  3. C’mon old man. Lets get you on a bike and go lane splitting. So no bagger bike. Hate those garbage scows.

    Anyway, lane splitting at 80-90mph, nor Cal twisty backroads and the whole Pope valley deal.

    You’ll get off the bike 10 pound lighter but with a 4 day erection.

  4. what dies it matter? The Dems will “win” in a landslide this November. It will be something Stalin, Hitler, Castro & Sadam would be proud of but that is where we are headed.

    I mean if a oarty is so brazen as to steal a POTUS election in broad daylight then what’s a measly off year election? The MSM will run cover so what is to stop them?

  5. Oh the bike does that. How could you not want to risk life and limb in the pursuit of cheap thrills?

    I’ll teach you how to wheelie a big bike and do stoppies. We’ll split lanes on one wheel and pull up to the stoplight next to CHP so hard we’ll go from the back wheel to a front end stand. Then you call the cop a bitch and dare them to race you to the next light.

    If they seem like they’re gettin’ close, reach into your jacket and pull out a desert eagle in your left hand and let loose with some random cannon fire into air. Once that’s empty you throw the gun into a windshield behind you.

    After that I like to go to Dennys for some pie ala mode.

  6. In Nevada there were countless mailed ballots sent out in 2020.
    Nonexistent addresses, it didn’t matter.
    Ballots were harvested like crazy.
    Nevada will be forever blue going forward if nothing is done.
    2.4 or .24, it won’t make a fucking difference!

  7. Nevada is not a problem for the Demonrats. They OWN Las Vegas and Vegas is the TAIL THAT WAGS THE DOG. It represents more than 80% of the voters. And the dirty Vegas mob that made sure SISSYBOYLAK got the governorship in 2018 also aided and abetted the Biden Steal in 2020. They can AND WILL do whatever is required to insure THEIR candidates ALWAYS win.


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