News reports Here.
A lot of pissed off people, but there are also some chicken littles out there.
Perhaps we should change the motto on our state flag from Battle Born to Cattle Born. Because some of us can’t do a damn thing for ourselves, and instead wait for the gumbint to plan every little thing in our lives.
Kiss our entire asses, governor Sisolak!
Picture courtesy of my pissed off mom.
NJ Gov threatens to arrest farmer if even one car drives through his tulip farm for annual show.
Armbands required to grocery shop in Montana! Where are the torches and pitchforks? We need to put these people in their place.
Suddenly libs don’t want the govt telling them when to breathe? Just no pleasing stupid people.😏
Did anyone go to the protest in Olympia yesterday? I was there, and do have pictures. Not sure how to post them, or share them here.
Leslie, please send them to bigfurhat.mail@gmail
Leave your ‘name’ in the subject line, and give us a short story of what was going on. Thank you.
Testing the air for the rest of us.
Doing jobs illegal immigrants won’t do.
We should have the results of this social experiment in a couple weeks.
This shutdown shite will be extended another two months when they test positive.
A protest in Denver was blocked by two, yes two people standing in the street.
Amazingly no one confronted them.
I just saw on my small Texas town’s FB:
We will not be allowing posts that go against public health requirements for social distancing. No protest flyers, no articles, nothing. Yep. It’s censorship. You don’t have to like it.
And this started a lot of lunatics talking about how to ban illegal gatherings/protests (1st amendment?!) and force selfish people to wear face masks. I’m one of those that will not wear the mask.
This really has brought the fascist libtards out into the open. Who the hell are the professionals?! The same CDC etc. that said face masks are not worth wearing until they suddenly decided they were?! Scary stuff.
Oh, let’s see…Communist-Democrat voters in Nevada decide they don’t like Communism. How can this be.
And some people don’t think America has changed, it is no longer what it was.
And Zuckerberg is at it again:
…doesn’t matter when anything “reopens”, it’ll be shut down almost immediately by the media claiming every sniffle as Trump not waiting long enough, so everyone’s gonna DIE because of HIM…
…if you don’t believe me, here’s Gannett ALREADY Jonesing for a SECOND Corona wave even during what’s allegedly the FIRST…
“It could crash worse than the first, killing tens of thousands of people who did such a good job of sheltering in place they remain virgin ground for the virus.”
No armbands needed to buy groceries in my piece of Montana. But it may be different in the college towns.
Saw the caravan headed to Carson City on Saturday morning. People holding US flags going toward the capital, sun shining bright – made me proud of their efforts!