WaEx: Nevada will run its own Obamacare insurance exchange starting in 2020, becoming the first state under the Trump administration to leave the federally-run healthcare.gov.
The state said that it is moving from healthcare.gov, a website used by 38 states to allow residents to purchase Obamacare plans, on the basis that it is cheaper to go solo rather than use the federal website.
Nevada Health Link, the state’s insurance marketplace, announced on Tuesday a contract with the company GetInsured to set up the state-run insurance marketplace starting for the 2020 coverage year. GetInsured currently operates the health insurance marketplaces in seven other states. more here
What can possibly go wrong?
The first time they tried it, they never put money into the program. *eye roll*
If Nevadans think they are overrun with Ex-California and ex-Mexican parasites now, just wait until you start giving away healthcare. That’s how they turn a red state blue.
NJ passed a law that its citizens must have health insurance in 2019. Three of the five insurance companies in the federal healthcare exchange have dropped out. If the federal exchange is terminated, what could go wrong for NJ?
Reminds me of a new tax law NJ put into effect a few years ago, but the NJ Dept. of Revenue didn’t update their systems. People were unable to file their tax returns for months.
This is NJ, what can go wrong? SMH!
Give it to California.
LOL. It’ll commit fiscal suicide, just like everything else in CA.