Never forget: Muslim hate crimes hoaxes – IOTW Report

Never forget: Muslim hate crimes hoaxes

Michelle Malkin: Another year. Another Sept. 11 anniversary. Another opportunity for grievance-mongering Muslim agitators to decry the imagined “epidemic” of “Islamophobia.”

South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) convened with Mad Maxine Waters and other House Democrats in Washington, D.C., to mark a somber occasion this week. No, not the coordinated jihadi mass murder of nearly 3,000 innocent people of all races, nationalities and religions on 9/11. Instead, they lamented Sept. 12 — “the 16-year anniversary of the day that South Asian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Arab, and Middle Eastern Americans woke up to a new political reality in which the safety of our lives and the security of our homes were irrevocably compromised.”

For left-wing zealots, the bloody lash of worldwide Islamic terrorism pales in comparison to the so-called “backlash” against Muslims. SAALT disseminated prefab tweets and declarations naming President Trump, outspoken anti-sharia activist Brigitte Gabriel and her grass-roots group, ACT for America, as well as “law enforcement, immigration enforcement, vigilantes,” and “white supremacists” as their enemies.

They’re all the same to the tolerance mob.

And “backlash” is a catchall trash can for everything from sideward glances to off-color jokes to offensive cartoons to unresolved crimes to actual acts of intimidation or physical violence. Mixed in with two shootings and a stabbing over the past year classified as hate crimes, SAALT noted that in August, “a Minnesota mosque was firebombed in what the governor rightly declared an ‘act of terrorism.’”

One of those things is not like the other. I contacted the FBI this week to ask about the Minnesota mosque incident. It is unsolved after more than a month, and a $30,000 reward for information remains unclaimed. An agent based in Minneapolis acknowledged to me that “it’s always a possibility” that the crime may be a hoax.

That’s what the Sept. 12 gripers want you to forget: People lie. And too many Muslim opportunists deceive in order to distract and divide.

Just two weeks ago, an alleged hate crime fell apart after a 22-year-old Muslim man admitted he had “exaggerated” an assault in a Durham, Ontario park restroom.   MORE

4 Comments on Never forget: Muslim hate crimes hoaxes

  1. Ever since I learned something about the mohammadmen and their beliefs, I’ve known that Islam is a totalitarian theocracy whose primary goal is to subject every individual on Earth. That’s a recognition of reality. You can call that a “backlash” if you like. You can call it a parsnip or a lump of putty, too. The words used to not alter the real world.

  2. I predict a scourge of bacon being left on mosque door steps by shadowy figures who can’t be identified by security cameras for some reason.

    Followed closely by misspelled words, templar crosses, and graffiti implying that the Crusades are still ongoing.

    Local news dickweeds will quickly jump on their big, big opportunity for a national hate crime story to call their own without questioning a single word.

  3. I’m sure there are lots of hoaxes regarding islamaphobia. The other day there ws an article about a woman muslima who faked a mugging in NYC, saying her do-rag had been pulled off. Turned out she concocted the story to avoid her father punishing her for being out for curfew. Hope they throw the book at her. It is common.
    This article caused me to realize something. The left/democrats are so strong on stressing ‘identity politics.’ And clinton ran on ‘together’. I wish sessions ‘to get her’ alright. Anyway- the democrats, and clinton herself yesterday, called for the end of the electoral college. The frigging electoral college _IS_ identity politics, only for real.
    What a contradiction.
    Please someone run with it.

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