Never let a student grade his own work – IOTW Report

Never let a student grade his own work

patriot Retort: After last night’s debate, online polls shocked everyone in the news media by choosing Tulsi Gabbard as the winner.  Apparently the Drudge Report poll had her running away with the thing – nearly 30 points ahead of second place Elizabeth Warren.

Meanwhile, the media seems to be in agreement that Robert Francis O’Rourke didn’t distinguish himself in either English or Spanish.

And yet, when asked what grade he would assign his debate performance, Beto reached for the stars.

17 Comments on Never let a student grade his own work

  1. I keep thinking he’s the Cosmo Kramer of the demtards … but that’s an insult to Kramer
    at least Kramer had some personality … this putz is such a maxi-zoomed waistoid


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