Never Trumpers: Listen up – IOTW Report

Never Trumpers: Listen up

PatriotRetort: I’d like to say a few things to the Never Trumpers, and I hope you’ll take the time to listen.

If you’ve read Patriot Retort with any regularity over the last year, you know that I have both defended Donald Trump and criticized him. In fact, I have been the subject of my own share of vitriolic attacks for my criticisms of Trump’s wavering positions and sometimes foolish behavior.

At the same time, I make no bones about my stringent opposition to Hillary Clinton.

I endorsed Ted Cruz for President and supported him during the primaries. I voted for him in the April 19 New York Primary and admit that it is disheartening that he did not win the nomination.

But the primaries are over.

Back in May, after Ted Cruz dropped out of the race, I wrote a post admitting that when it comes to the prospect of a Donald Trump nomination, I considered myself undecided. Not undecided between Hillary and Trump. I would never, ever even consider voting for Hillary Clinton. But undecided on whether I vote Libertarian, vote for Trump or simply leave the President line blank.

While there is still quite a bit about Donald Trump that bothers me, the events of these last couple weeks have helped me to decide.

I will vote for Donald Trump in November. I make this decision in part because Hillary Clinton must not become the forty-fifth President of the United States. But it is far more than that for me. I want this not-so-silent conquering of America by the Institutional Anti-American Left to be dealt a crippling blow.

Over the last several weeks, quite a few things have made it clear to me that Donald Trump seems to be delivering that blow to the Left. At the very least, his candidacy has forced their hand. They are revealing exactly who and what they are.

Here are a few of the pertinent factors that clinched it for me:  

21 Comments on Never Trumpers: Listen up

  1. “Her obscene thirst for power, her vainglorious ambition know no bounds.”
    Like, El no fooking shit-o.
    Lazlo must admit I liked Rubio a lot.
    But he didn’t win.
    Here’s my take on all this:
    Screw the Republican Party. They let Trump run so they could laugh at him. They wanted his ratings for the debates, and were taunting him like a chained bear, envisioning the condescending, witty remarks they could make as they compared their shining selves to his shabby, grasping and ungracious mien. Then he ate their fucking lunch.
    Then the Prissy wing of the party shat themselves and rent their robes. “Oh Lawdy Lawdy they’s a snake in our bosom!” What a bunch of ladies’ blouses.
    Next the Loser wing launches their dud. Out. Standing.
    Out of all that comes the Never Trumper’s, acting like their vote is a virginal redoubt, which must be kept pure, lest they worry at night.
    Well screw you.
    This is not a valiant charge of the righteous worthy of being recorded in oils
    This is an alley fight.
    This is a pipe wielding, face biting, head stomping fight for the soul of this country. I intend to win.
    Look at who the hell will take over if we lose.
    They pissed right in our faces with this meeting on the tarmac.
    Not only is the fix in for this witch, they have displayed in no uncertain terms that they could give a shit if you know about it.
    They know that this will all slide by. They know the Republicans have no balls.
    That is who wants to run our country.
    And run it they will, right into the ground.
    My vote is as valuable to me as my life. I respect that vote because just like my life, and my freedom; some other guy just like me got killed giving me that ability.
    I will spend my precious vote on Trump because if I don’t Hilary might win. That scares me more than the Alzheimer’s in my family.
    Trump is the Nominee. He wasn’t my first choice. I like him, but I have a twisted sense of humor.
    He is the only choice.

  2. Hillary’s proclivities are known; Trump is a wild card but maybe he won’t be a horror. I will very reluctantly vote for Trump with my teeth clenched, knowing these are the only options available to me.

  3. Her reasons for supporting Trump are solid even if she is still a bit down on the man himself. Why is that? He advocates conservative policies unless you think 30 million illegals isn’t enough, that we should quintuple the number of “syrian refugees” to come here and we need to lose millions more jobs.

    I’m happy enough for every vote Trump gets but am getting tired of all of the “if onlys” He won. He won with more votes then anyone in Republican primary history. Inserting these caveats makes you out to be holier then thou.

    How could anyone support Cruz after seeing him on the border with Bat Shit Crazy Beck passing out teddy bears & soccer balls to 100s of incoming illegals? Or seeing the money trail for his initial support of a massive increase in H1-B visas?

    Trump might be crass. He might say things that strike some as harsh. But there’s one thing that he definitely is not and that’s two faced. The best man won and the millions of us that voted for him don’t need to hear that we obviously have picked the wrong guy but none the less, you’re supporting him.

  4. I stand with Lazlo, Cato and MM. I have no doubts and zero reservations. We picked a winner and as much anyone can know someone like Trump, he appears to be an honest man.

    May God protect him, and may God destroy the enemies of our country. God Bless America.

  5. I have to believe that there is a real palatable fear among some that Trump will not be the nominee.
    Otherwise why the constant drumbeat RE the ‘nevertrumpers’ considering that they are a very small group.

  6. I was for Cruz also, until someone opened his closed and a shitload of skeletons started falling out. Trump came on the scene and proved that he is not an establishment drone, but instead an accomplished knife fighter, willing to gut the RNC, and then piss in their faces. The only thing that worries me about the coming vote, is the outrageous voter fraud that the DNC backs 100%. Giving illegals the right to vote, allowing the dead to rise from the grave and vote multiple times, allowing blacks to vote multiple times and then brag about it on the frigging evening news, and no one does shit about it.

    If Hillary is permitted to cheat her way in to the White House, then there had better be a goddamned violent revolution to reclaim this country and it’s ideals.

  7. I’m certain there are tons more just like Dianny who have reached this conclusion as well.

    If you’re still a #nevertrumper on election day you can go eat 💩 and die. Except you Menderman! I hope you vote Trump. 😊

  8. Time to get passed this. The enemy is way ahead of us.

    Things to be fearful of between now and November.

    North American Union. NATO. Martial Law.

    Nationalist vs Globalist, and they have a plan.

    Sorry, don’t mean to go all InfoWars, but all the pieces are there. And Brexit has forced them to accelerate that plan. That’s why Barry was in Ottawa.

  9. Hillary is the Dr Evil of U.S. politics.
    But up to now she has been somewhat restrained by being a step or two away from the presidency.
    Just imagine that soulless, cackling meatbag as president.

  10. The choice is realy quite simple. Look at those who vehemently oppose Trump. Not the George Wills or the Bill Chrystal types. No, I’m talking about the mobs. The question that begs to be answered is. Do I want, as President of the United States, the one who makes that bunch happy? Simple

  11. So some don’t care for Trump? So others distrust Trump? Good – even if Trump is your preferred choice, each and every citizen should be skeptical of all elected officials and watch all of them carefully. Trump is vilified by much of America, yet I have not seen where Trump has engaged in unethical or criminal behavior, and the #nevertrump people would have uncovered the dirt by now. In fact, it’s hard to go negative on Trump – when he is accused of using U.S. Bankruptcy laws, or making money, or insulting other candidates, or even being boorish and crass, Trump’s response is “yep, deal with it.” But be that as it may, I intend to watch Trump because I am a cynical bastard who distrusts all politicians – even the ones I vote for.

    Hillary, on the other hand, is corrupt. You don’t even need to watch her – she has a decades long history of lies, deceit, hypocrisy and probably criminal conduct. The question is not “is Trump better than Hillary,” the question should be “why did a major political party ever consider nominating some jackass like Hillary in the first place?” I firmly believe that Obama is incompetent and over his head; but Hillary is not only incompetent and over her head, she is as corrupt a politician as we have seen in a long time. She and Bill are Arkansas grifters who hit the jackpot, and are still preying on the gullibility and stupidity of Democrat voters. The Clintons are running a con game long after all of the marks should have realized what they were about.

    George Will and a lot of other pundits/talking heads were butt hurt when it became apparent that Trump will be the Republican nominee. Get over it, and get over yourselves. Take a long look at Hillary – heck, take a cursory look at Hillary – and then tell me with a straight face that this person should be anywhere near the White House, much less in Washington D.C. Show me where despite her lies, deceits, crimes and flagrant disregard for the rule of law that Hillary has some qualifications that would make her even a mediocre President. Tell my why Trump, who once insulted Megan Kelly, is worse than Hillary, who watched people die. Demonstrate why Trump, who made a lot of money in the private sector, is less preferable than the Arkansas grifter couple who made millions of dollars while holding down public jobs.

    There are lot of Democrats in my neck of the woods, and I have only met a couple who were all in for Hillary (and even those people are excited only because Hillary has a vagina). The nevertrumpers are basically more passionate about getting Hillary elected that rank and file Democrats.

  12. Lol. Fairweather hack. She switched sides when the HuffPo checks stopped. I believe her like I believe Wasserman-Shultz. Zero. Why you like her is like believing in global warming.

  13. “and were taunting him like a chained bear”

    That. Never forget that. Yet that man won more votes than in the history of this country.

    I made my DC inauguration accommodation reservation for Jan. 19-23 2017 on Jan. 20, 2016. And a back-up.

  14. cfm990 is right. Look at who HATES Trump and it is a list of those who despise America. He is the ONLY choice. If you vote for anyone else than Trump, you are not a fellow American.

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