Never underestimate the power of the term, “Illegal Alien” – IOTW Report

Never underestimate the power of the term, “Illegal Alien”

Patriot Retort: Rush Limbaugh likes to say that the Left will tell you what they fear.

And they fear the term Illegal Alien.

Language is very effective at driving popular opinion.

That’s precisely why the Left tries to control the language we use.

It isn’t Gay Marriage; it’s “Marriage Equality.”

It isn’t Abortion; it’s “Women’s Healthcare” and “Choice.”

And they aren’t Illegal Aliens; they’re “Undocumented Immigrants.”

The term illegal alien makes these guys apoplectic because it’s the truth.

It strips away all their saccharine BS and lays bare the reality of the issue.  MORE

14 Comments on Never underestimate the power of the term, “Illegal Alien”

  1. Call them what they really are- Illegal Alien Invaders. La Raza likes to call it RECONQUISTA. When they are recognized as an invasion force on Sovereign American soil, we can finally respond appropriately.

  2. Lib’s and their Phsychology Games !
    We’ll call them DREAMERS , how can they Send a Dreamer Home…it’s so Cute !
    Were we to Label Them realisticaly , They’d be The TEMPORARIES !

  3. The left has done one hell of a job blurring the difference between the words “Undocumented and illegal”. In Cali their almost synonymous. So lets cut to the chase, They’re not from here, and I don’t won’t them here competing for our peoples jobs. Primarily the black community.

    Not my words. Some black granny in SoCal on YouBoob. Wish I could have found it. It was epic.

  4. Bad Brad : Remember when The Trash Man Was Always a Black Guy !
    That is a Really High Paying Job, and Now It’s Completely Mexican !
    Black’s spotted the Problem in the late 70s here , Only to Realize they’d Been Replaced as the Liberal Favorite Son !
    The Mexicans Would Breed Like Rabbits , and that’s all They ever Wanted !

  5. Plantsman

    Sanitation engineers in California. And yes you are right. No black people any longer do that high paying job. Illegal Immigrants hit the black community hard. I hope they start figuring this shit out real soon.

  6. Words have meanings.
    It’s about time that the humans figured this out.

    We can cede nothing.
    We must concede nothing.

    “There have been abuses, but …” is a recipe for disaster.
    Give them NOTHING.
    Make them win every point through LOGIC and REASON – which they can NEVER do.

    Hitler was a SOCIALIST.
    Mussolini was a SOCIALIST.
    BS is a SOCIALIST.
    Pelosi is a greedy corrupt maggot.
    Schumer is a greedy corrupt maggot.
    Ryan is a greedy corrupt maggot.
    McConnell is a greedy corrupt maggot.
    Al Gore is a greedy corrupt maggot.

    izlamo delenda est …

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