#NeverTrump Republican to cross enemy lines with DNC speech – IOTW Report

#NeverTrump Republican to cross enemy lines with DNC speech

WT: PHILADELPHIA— #NeverTrump Republicans plan to make waves by disavowing GOP presidential nomineeDonald Trump in a speech Thursday at the Democratic National Convention.

Lifelong Republican Doug Elmets, a former Reagan administration speechwriter and domestic adviser, said Monday he sees Mr. Trump as a “petulant reality TV star.”

“I never anticipated supporting a Democrat, but Hillary Clinton is certainly the most prepared candidate probably in modern times to be president,” Mr. Elmets said in a video interview with The Sacramento Bee. “And given the alternative of a petulant reality TV star candidate in Donald Trump, the decision was very easy.”

Mr. Elmets has made no secret of his opposition to Mr. Trump — he denounced the billionaire businessman in a May 31 interview with CNN — but unlike other prominent #NeverTrumpers, he has taken his antagonism a step further by championing Mrs. Clinton.


15 Comments on #NeverTrump Republican to cross enemy lines with DNC speech

  1. Well, we have a shit load of ex Bernie supporters headed our way so kiss the left side of my right cheek NeverTrump. It’s important to realize, these people always were libs .

  2. Okay, I’m taking bets on this. Sounds like a dream come true for the D’s, but something unexpected is going to come out of this that benefits Trump “Big time.” Don’t ask me what, it’s just that it always does.

    (The guy was a speech writer, but does that make him a speech giver?)

  3. AbigailAdams: He’ll be booed off the stage by Bernie’s supporters. Doubly so first for being a republican attacking Trump (they like Trump better than hillary) and then for supporting hillary. It should be hillar(y)ious. He’ll discover too late what all traitors discover. The other side doesn’t love you it just uses you and then you end up hated by both sides.

  4. @SineWaveII — Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. 🙂

    I think there could be something else there, too. I don’t know. I have a hunch it will be memorable and give Trump/Pence a positive news cycle.

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