Neville Robinette Chamberlain – IOTW Report

Neville Robinette Chamberlain

Patriot Retort: I can’t believe people were worried that Joe Biden was going to drag us into war with Russia over Ukraine. This is Joseph Robinette Biden we’re talking about. He’s America’s Neville Chamberlain. Why would Neville Robinette Chamberlain drag us into war when surrender and appeasement are more his style?

I saw Tucker Carlson’s monologue from the other night where he warned that the warmongers controlling the demented old American Chamberlain could convince him to take military action against Russia, and I’ll admit, Tucker had some good points.

But after what happened in Afghanistan, not to mention Biden caving to Putin over the summer, I figured it was more likely Neville Robinette Chamberlain was going to find a way to screw Ukraine big time and surrender even more to Putin.

And it looks like I might be onto something.

13 Comments on Neville Robinette Chamberlain

  1. C’mon, man! Here’s the thing.

    It’s a fact that Crimea historically was never part of Ukraine. It was Kruschev’s idea after WW2 to redraw the internal boundaries of the Soviet puppet states, thinking that the Soviet Union would never break up and remain united forever. Good ol’ Nikita redrew the boundaries so that Crimea became part of Ukraine. And that’s why the ethnicity of the Crimea and Donetsk regions are majority Russian. Do I hate the appearance of the West caving into Russia? You’re damn right I do. But let’s face it – this is Realpolitik.

    On the other hand, Putin has tried to make the case that the Baltic States should be Russian because a minority of the people there are ethnically Russian. How did that happen? Simple – the fucking Soviet Union deliberately forcibly migrated Russians into these three States to dilute the ethnic Latvian, Lithuainian and Estonian populations, hoping they’d be less restive and uppity. Well guess what Pooty? TOUGH SHIT. You want to do something about the Russian minorities there? Then PAY for them to be repatriated to Russia! And we have lovely parting gifts for them and GTFO, you nye kulturniy inbred sonsabitches!

  2. and another thing, goddammit. Ukraine has proved itself to be a Slavic Swamp of corruption. The Vindaman evil twins, US Ambassadress Marie Yovanovitch, Hunter *Biden, Joe *Biden, John Horse-faced Traitor Soldier Kerry and a whole slew of slimey socialist shitheads have proven that Ukraine is not a hill worth dying on.

    Traditional Russian paranoia has them freaking out about any kind of Western countries approaching their borders in any manner. See invasions by Napoleon early 1800’s, Kaiser Wilhelm 1914-1918, Hitler 1941-1945. Give Russia guarantees that NATO will not accept Ukraine or Georgia or any other bordering next-door country. It takes away Putin’s excuse for troublemaking.

    *Biden is Chamberlain and Trump is Churchill. If Trump was in power he’d have done some realpolitik horse-trading – Pooty cuts off Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela completely and we do the same to Ukraine. THAT is the Art Of The Deal.

  3. Someone thought Joey might take us to war if Russia invaded Ukraine? C/mon man, he was probably crapping his pants, well, he was probably doing that anyway. He and his handlers are probably drawing up plans to let Putin put together the entire USSR.

  4. It’s the EU’s party. Let them take care of it. Merkel has already signaled that Germany doesn’t care, by supporting the new pipeline that will conveniently bypass Ukraine.

  5. Mansfield Lovell FJB

    “… Slavic Swamp of corruption”
    I was just thinking the same shit today.

    We are doing a Job for a landlord that decided to rent industrial space to these fucking Ukrainian fraudsters.

    Pushy, Brash, Rude, Arrogant assholes from day One!

    The Fucking Idiots requested specialized heaters for the WEST SIDE where they were putting their Paint Booths.
    Multiple meetings, locations selected & indicated on the Floor In yellow tape. etc.

    No Problem – 3 Sealed combustion heaters installed & Done


    Stupid cocksuckers changed their minds and installed the Booths on the EAST Side…

    No permits, plans, engineering etc. All Covid fraud Money too.

    Let the Russians Rule them and kill each other.

  6. Putin was adamant about Ukraine not being admitted to NATO.


    Like the United Nations and the European Union itself, disband it. Bring our forces home. It’s time.

  7. I had a good laugh this morning while waiting for the left turn signal to turn when I was out delivering flowers, I was behind a red Ford F250 P/U with 3 large flags on the back of his truck, a MAGA country flag, an LGB flag and an American flag that was next to some schlub in a Subaru outback SW with a Biden/Harris 2020 bumper sticker. Whoever was in the Subaru was truly annoyed by that F250 because he/she/it was trying to get away from it as fast they could by but had to wait for the light to turn green, the left turn signal went first and I’m sure whoever was in that Subaru felt like they were waiting an eternity for that Ford truck to turn left. Poor schlub in that Subaru didn’t want anything to do with that big mean F 250 next to him. I couldn’t see who was driving the Subaru because they had tinted windows but whoever it was wasn’t having a good morning. And yes joey is a coward and a chickenshit just like Neville Chamberlain was and look where that got us.

  8. Well at least after the fact Chamberlain pitched in for the war effort with whatever he could. When the house was on fire he pitched in. Unfortunately the left and a lot of rhinos are throwing gasoline on our fire, they should hang.

  9. @mansfield lovell FJB –
    “…Give Russia guarantees that NATO will not accept Ukraine or Georgia or any other bordering next-door country. It takes away Putin’s excuse for troublemaking.

    *Biden is Chamberlain and Trump is Churchill. If Trump was in power he’d have done some realpolitik horse-trading – Pooty cuts off Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela completely and we do the same to Ukraine. THAT is the Art Of The Deal…”

    I like your analysis. Too bad the only “art” Bitme is capable of resembles his son’s finger painting. I have low expectations and high apprehensions.

  10. @Kcir

    Well I remember the “Uke” Line the Boston Bruins had in the late 1950’s: Buyck, Stasiuk, Horvath, although Horvath was probably more Hungarian than Ukranian. All from Western Canada where so many Ukranian farmers settled in late 19th and early 20th Century. Bronco Harvath (great name) won the NHL scoring trophy in 1959.

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