New 1776 Project Aims to Counter ‘Lethal’ Narrative of 1619 Project – IOTW Report

New 1776 Project Aims to Counter ‘Lethal’ Narrative of 1619 Project

WFB: A group of predominantly African-American academics, journalists, entrepreneurs, and community activists on Friday launched one of the most significant challenges yet to the New York Times’s controversial 1619 Project, which is named for the year slaves arrived in Virginia and argues that the United States was founded on racism.

Bob Woodson, a leader in the African-American community who has spent his career fighting to stave off the cycle of poverty and crime, argued on Friday that the 1619 Project’s message—that life outcomes for African Americans are shaped by the history of slavery and Jim Crow—is a “lethal” narrative that perpetuates a culture of victimhood in the African-American community. During the launch of his new 1776 initiative, named for the year America was founded, Woodson said the new group would challenge those who assert America is forever defined by past failures.

While different academics and journalists have criticized the 1619 Project since its release last year, the 1776 project represents one of the largest coordinated challenges to the New York Times’s narrative. It will focus its efforts on opposing the negative impact the 1619 story will have on future generations of African Americans. MORE HERE

11 Comments on New 1776 Project Aims to Counter ‘Lethal’ Narrative of 1619 Project

  1. Whites have to be excused for being prejudiced against blacks because it’s a legacy of slavery.

    Why are whites supposed to move on? Blacks get to hold an eternal grudge. They don’t have to move on from their legacy of slavery.

  2. “…the New York Times’s controversial 1619 Project, which is named for the year slaves arrived in Virginia and argues that the United States was founded on racism.”

    The United States was founded separate from a world that traded slaves for CENTURIES. Every leading nation in the world at that time harvested slaves in foreign lands to profit from selling them in the New World, including the Caribbean islands and South American continent. The United States alone fought a horrific Civil War, in part to end slavery.

    Leave it to the New York Times to stir up shit. Have they ever done ANYTHING honest, or beneficial to humanity??

    Has the NYT ever spoken vehemently against Islam, one of the primary vendors in “human chattel”? The NYT should be destroyed.

  3. income taxation is the new slavery and low and behold who are the biggest advocates of income tax slavery ?

    of course it is the same people who are said to champion diversity unless you don’t agree with them and equal rights of course unless you don’t agree with them and see racism every where but where it actually resides, the democrats!

  4. Excellent! Push back against the left’s victimhood narrative is way overdue. From the founding of this nation, black people have thrived, contributed and benefited as Americans – despite slavery, social(ist) engineering/indoctrination resulting in self destructive behavior. There are too many black Americans who have beat the odds that make the 1619 project nothing more than Marxist propaganda.

  5. They want to further reinforce their fantasy narrative that the entire country was built on their backs. They built the White House and all surrounding monuments as well as every farm and factory that made the country what it is today.
    The inept whites would have been complete failures without their labor and guidance therefor they have a legitimate claim to all.

  6. When I taught American History to my high school Juniors (that is a warning that I’m getting my Geek rant on) I would break down the slave trade by percentages. Pop quiz percent of African Slaves that were slated to go to the Western hemisphere how many landed in what would become the United States? A. 5% B. 95% C. 25% d. 50%? The correct answer is A. 5%. Brazil got over 25%, the Caribbean Islands (French & British) got over 20% (ever wonder why Jamaica has such a high African population?

    THEN I would address the African slave Trade slated for the Arab world. Roughly the same amount of African slaves that were sent to the Western Hemisphere were sent Eastward to the Arab world. Ever wonder why the African slave descendants population in Saudia Arabia is ZERO? The answer is all male slaves slated for the Arab world had their twig and berries cut off and a brass tube put into the urethra so when the whole wound was cauterized with boiling oil the slave could still urinate. Now, lots died of infection and others died because their urethra got cauterized but in the final analysis slaves did not reproduce in the Arab world. It was by design.

    Lets play their game. Hell yah slaver was bad but look at the numbers! Look at the treatment! Give the left full context. Summarize the global context of slavery by saying if Cunta Kenti could choose which hemisphere to land in and then which country to land in why Tobe himself would beg to come to the Western Hemisphere rather to be sent to the savages of the Arab world. Then add if Tobe himself could choose between Jamaica, Brazil, or the USA which one would he choose for Alex Haley? Then ask Alex Haley would he have rather been born here or Jamaica or Brazil and then drive home “having children” was not an option for those sent to the Arab world.

    Sorry for the Geek outburst but there is a chance someone did not know those bit of factoids.

  7. I can feel the momentum building, can’t you?

    The Lord is great! He has made our latter day Cyrus to heal the terrible divisions caused by oblowme, Soros and the Lunatic Left.

    What amazing times in which we are now living.

    Buh-bye Democrat plantation. Hello freedom!

  8. Anthony Johnson…….a black man….

    Even Snopes…..can’t give Johnson a pass on being a “first slave” owner in America…..

    “…..Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in American history, but he was, according to historians, among the first to have his lifetime ownership of a servant legally sanctioned by a court……”

    I guess…..indentured servants were considered slaves….for their contract time..

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