New ‘Absolutely Shocking’ Evidence Presented in the George Floyd Case – IOTW Report

New ‘Absolutely Shocking’ Evidence Presented in the George Floyd Case

Townhall: Attorneys for former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin are requesting the dismissal of murder and manslaughter charges against him for the death of George Floyd. They’re using the police training manual as justification.

According to the Minneapolis Police Department training manual, officers are shown how to subdue violent or resisting suspects by placing their knee on the neck. more

13 Comments on New ‘Absolutely Shocking’ Evidence Presented in the George Floyd Case

  1. maybe this will matter …. PDT doubles down

    “To ensure that Federal funds are neither unduly wasted nor spent in a manner that directly violates our Government’s promise to protect life, liberty, and property, it is imperative that the Federal Government review the use of Federal funds by jurisdictions that permit anarchy, violence, and destruction in America’s cities.”

    … now, we’re talking real $$$ … PDT is squeezing the tiger’s balls

  2. Blanca @ discussed the training manual within days of his death. It’s the extended length of time that the position was held that will be the issue, I believe.

  3. It may have been legal to put his knee on Floyd’s neck, but it certainly wasn’t the smart thing to do as the condition of our country is now demonstrating.

    It’s kinda like having “I had the right of way” on your tombstone.

  4. Facts never matter. In the run-up to Cincinnati riots in 2001, Black Cincinnati Police Officer Kevin Crayon saw a Black child driving a car, and tried to get the keys. He was dragged to his death, but managed to shoot in an attempt to save himself. The 12 year old died later.

    No racism was present, just a cop protecting a city. Everyone involved was Black.

    Didn’t matter, it was used bu race-baiters and poverty pimps just a little later as one more item of police killing unarmed Blacks, beatings of random White people ensued, the City burned the Police surrendered after City Council threw them to the wolves, businesses were looted…you know this song, we can ALL sing it by heart now, its too common to everone thanks to Democrats…

    …facts NEVER matter when there’s political hay to make. They used this to destroy the city, but ALSO used it to turn the County blue.

    Didn’t help Black people, but sure helped a lot if Democrats.

    As intended.

    Just like now, all these Police chargings are either deliberate overcharges, openly political show trials, or outright lies, and most, if not all, will be dismissed.

    As intended.

    The facts don’t matter when the Democrats ca point and yell that “See, Black people caint ge no justyccce!” in a synthetic Black accent. Riots will ensue, elections will become impossible, and Nancy Pelosi becomes President on January 20th.

    As intended.

    None of this is accidental.

    All of this benefits Democrats.

    Same as it ever was, or ever shall be, absent a Civil War or Jesus coming back.

    And frankly, Jesus seems more likely at this point. We only have 1 or 2 Kyle Rittenhouses, they have unlimited, stupid cannon fodder.

    They will overwhelm us with sheer weight of stupid like a machine gun nest in North Korea in the 50s, where they just ran more and more people at it until they ran out of rounds or it became too hot to fire.

    …and, with a compliant media and Soros Das, the few Kyle’s we DO have will be tied up a long, LONG time…

    …if the pot doesnt boil over all at once, the will win. If we stand up one by one, we’ll be cut down one by one.

    And between COVID lies and social media control, I don’t see any ability to coordinate nationally, as Antifa, BLM, and Islam do, we can usually be no more than French Resistance size cells that the media will call White Supremacists, if they mention them at all…

    History repeats because the devil starts over with a new generation. We’re gonna lose bigly for awhile, then come back. It’s as predictable as the tides.

    But most of us won’t live to see the comeback. We’re too old and will be cut down early, or will perish in camps, or will be deliberately killed by “medicine”.

    It’s just a matter of time.

    Sure would be nice if Jesus came back.

    Don’t see it turning around any other way.

    But even HE will leave us to the devil for 7 years.

    If we had an Antichrist, I would have thought the clock already started…

  5. I had to admonish a negro employee once and his response was:
    “Thas yo faks, thas not my faks!”

    And was sincere.
    When another negro employee gave him the eye and said “Oh, c’mon, man!” his protestations became less pronounced.

    And being negro had nothing to do with any of it – just happened that they were – and George Floyd was.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. And this move would have been approved after consulting with emergency MD’s … seeing as how it was designed to keep a person from killing himself until EMT’s arrive

    BTW, this info is important — not to change the mind of the rioters of course, but to get thru to that millennial “middle of the road” suburban mom that everything she’s been told her whole life is bullshit. And that she better change her voting habits or she’s going to be road kill

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