New Attorney General William Barr Will NOT Recuse Himself from Mueller Probe – IOTW Report

New Attorney General William Barr Will NOT Recuse Himself from Mueller Probe

Dan Bongino: New Attorney General William Barr will not recuse himself from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia collusion investigation.

Department of Justice spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said in a statement, “Following Attorney General Barr’s confirmation, senior career ethics officials advised that Attorney General Barr should not recuse himself from the Special Counsel’s investigation. Consistent with that advice, Attorney General Barr has decided not to recuse.”

The Hill reports:

Some Democrats urged Barr to step aside from overseeing the Mueller investigation, citing a memo Barr sent last June to the Justice Department and the White House criticizing the special counsel’s inquiry into whether Trump obstructed justice.  


11 Comments on New Attorney General William Barr Will NOT Recuse Himself from Mueller Probe

  1. Well hallelujah for him. Now I want to see him roll up his sleeves and start kicking swamp butt!

    But, unfortunately, I have been conditioned by the swampback crooked commies permeating our government, justice and (non)intelligence agencies and departments to expect only more, “In your face, deplorables, we are the ‘boss’”

  2. Not recusing himself, and actually pursuing justice and the rule law are two different things. Let’s see the pursuit take place or it doesn’t matter if he recuses himself or not.

  3. Stop the presses!
    The earth just stopped spinning on its axis. The magnetic poles just reversed. Night is day and day is night. Muslims love jews and jews love muslims.
    And my feet stopped stinking.


    It’s a day like any other.

    Fortunately, Swampy McSessions is gone, but my expectations aren’t high for this guy either.

    I’m praying that i’m wrong.

  4. I doubt if Muller is ending his investigation anytime soon. The demokraps need it to keep up their choking of the President, and steering away from any actual investigation of government crime. Which they are the biggest part of.

  5. @Anonymous March 6, 2019 at 4:42 pm

    > He’s just going to take a 2 year sabbatical and go rabbit hunting with Jeff Sessions…

    That’s OK. We’ll continue to be vewy, vewwy quiet.


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