New Austrian Gov’t Promises ‘Sanctions’ Against Migrants Who Don’t Integrate – IOTW Report

New Austrian Gov’t Promises ‘Sanctions’ Against Migrants Who Don’t Integrate

Daily Caller: Austria’s incoming conservative government is taking a hard line on immigration by promising “sanctions” against those “refusing to integrate.”


Sebastian Kurz, 31, is set to become the world’s youngest leader after winning the parliamentary election in October with his People’s Party. Kurz will serve as chancellor with support from the populist Freedom Party.

A new platform unveiled Monday calls for faster deportations and a halt to illegal immigration. The main emphasis for migrants will be put on integrating to Austrian society by adopting local values. Monthly payments to migrants will be cut to 365 euros ($432 USD) with the possibility of earning an “integration bonus” of 155 euros ($184 USD). READ MORE

10 Comments on New Austrian Gov’t Promises ‘Sanctions’ Against Migrants Who Don’t Integrate

  1. so Austria’s freeloading Sharia assholes won’t assimilate? Austria hopes to go Full Borg on them and assimilate them. It would be better to just plain deport their inbred satan-worshipping asses back to the Third World Shitholes they came from.

  2. @Maj Genl Mansfield Lovell CSA December 20, 2017 at 1:41 pm

    > It would be better to just plain deport their inbred satan-worshipping asses back to the Third World Shitholes they came from.

    That is SO MEAN!

    Germanistan is right next door.

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