New Bill Declares Federal Gun Control Unenforceable in Arizona! – IOTW Report

New Bill Declares Federal Gun Control Unenforceable in Arizona!

WLT: Arizona is leading the way to protect the Second Amendment for citizens!

On Wednesday, the AZ Senate passed legislation that declared any federal gun laws that violate the U.S. and State Constitutions’ right to bear arms unenforceable.

Senate Bill 1328 would also open up agents enforcing these unconstitutional laws to prospected lawsuits.

This means that citizens who are victimized by these “gun control” laws can sue in superior court. read more

18 Comments on New Bill Declares Federal Gun Control Unenforceable in Arizona!

  1. “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”
    -Mao Tse Tung, “Quotations from Mao Tse Tung”

    …don’t confuse “Evil” with “Stupid”. Democrats are working from the Maoist playbook now, and are very well aware of this statement and its underlying truth. All they are after now is a thin scum of legitimacy for a gun grab, like the thin veneer of legitimacy the media tries to paint the Pedophile administration with, then they will move to take the guns “for your safety”, Constitution and State be damned.

    It’s coming. Once they are confident they have purged the ranks of political nonconfomists, they WILL use the military against the citizens if the remade Police aren’t enough.

    If the Constitution won’t stop them, I doubt Posse Comitatus will.

    …but it will be ruled Constitutional anyway.

    …because three of the “justices” are hand-picked, hard-core Communists.

    Three of the “justices” are fully exposed to what the Left is capable of and don’t want to be found with a pillow over their faces..

    And because Roberts STILL doesn’t want those pictures getting out…

  2. Federal agencies are selective in their enforcements.
    They will kill to enforce gun-control, which is a prerequisite to tyranny.
    But this first step is a positive step – and if Arizona wants to lead the way, I’m hoping that some other states will have the balls to follow.

    Let the socialists repeal the 2nd, if that’s their intention – but to use illegal and immoral work-arounds is deceitful. If they believe their stolen electoral schemes to be iron-clad, this should pose no problem.

    If History is any guide, blood is the price of Liberty – weaselly lawyers gnawing at the Constitution produce only frustration and lack of respect for our illicit gov’t, the weighted legislative process, and the kangaroo courts.

    Notice that they always – ALWAYS – lie about their efforts and intentions!
    Liars need not be tolerated.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I get that the Constitution is only what the Supreme Court says it is, but it is up to the people (including the States) to put and keep the pressure on a corrupt government to prevent the bastardization of our foundations. This influence is effective.
    In addition to that I do think one of the biggest take-aways here is:
    See what happens when you remove a McShitstain from the picture!

  4. “it is up to the people (including the States) to put and keep the pressure on a corrupt government to prevent the bastardization of our foundations.”

    At this point, the people seem to be putting pressure on the government to keep doing what it is doing, and even do it faster than they have been.

  5. That should apply to every state that values the constitution, any citizens in that state that are anti 2nd should make plans to move to a “safe” gun restricted state.

  6. TRF
    MARCH 6, 2021 AT 9:53 AM
    ‘Well… I for one refuse to adopt a defeatist attitude about it.’

    …not saying surrender.
    …just saying we can’t expect legal restraints to be respected by the lawless.

    …we all know what the next step is…the Founders told us…but this just creates hope porn that we may yet avoid it without leaving the couch, and delays the inevitable in a way that only gives the lawless more time to strengthen their positions and weaken ours…THEY work tirelessly to destroy us while WE…write another strongly worded letter saying please stop trying to destroy us…

    …laws mean nothing without enforcement.

    The only REAL enforcement mechanism is in the people.

    One state senate isn’t gonna solve a national problem of a fully illegitimate government.

    …but as long as the enforcers get more false hope…

    ..what needs to happen will not…

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    – Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, “The Gulag Archipelago”

  7. We’ve gotten soft as a society and the Left is taking advantage of it… but –
    Am I going to organize a march on Washington? Nope, I’m not that well known!
    Am I going to give a million dollars to the GOP? Nope, I’m not that rich! (or stupid)
    Am I going to change the world overnight? Nope, I’m not that powerful!
    So maybe there is not an obvious solution to the problem right now, however I remain optimistic that there will be and when there is, I’m on board!

  8. Seven states violated the “Federal laws” in the last election. I live in a state where the governor violated established federal and state election laws by allowing voting dictates w/o legislature. Democrats are making a mockery of federal laws and forcing states to revolt within the Republic. Democrats will start the second Civil War just like they started the first Civil War, by defying the will of the people. This Biden dictatorship is not working with any public group for guidance. They are issuing dictates freestyle, at will because they themselves are illegitimate and they know it. Their goal is to “Fundamentally Transform America” in “Fast and Furious” style. Biden is the dimwit stooge that Obama needed to pull this off.


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