New Bill Holds PP Criminally Liable for Harvesting Aborted Babies Still Alive – IOTW Report

New Bill Holds PP Criminally Liable for Harvesting Aborted Babies Still Alive


LifeNews: The House of Representatives will vote this week on a landmark new pro-life bill that would hold the Planned Parenthood abortion business criminally liable for harvesting body parts from aborted babies who are technically still alive.

baby second trimester

The center for Medical Progress has released 10 videos catching and exposing Planned Parenthood officials selling aborted babies and their body parts. One of the most shocking videos caught the nation’s biggest abortion business harvesting the brain of an aborted baby who was still alive.

The video features Holly O’Donnell, a licensed phlebotomist who unsuspectingly took a job as a “procurement technician” at the fetal tissue company and biotech start-up StemExpress in late 2012. That’s the company that acts as a middleman and purchases the body parts of aborted babies from Planned Parenthood to sell to research universities and other places. StemExpress was partnered with Planned Parenthood up until last week, when it quietly announced it ended its relationship with the abortion corporation.  more

baby ultrasound and at birth


7 Comments on New Bill Holds PP Criminally Liable for Harvesting Aborted Babies Still Alive

  1. boehner is a lame fool.

    Harvest? It ‘s not a crop, it’s a child for God’s sake.
    Dismember is closer to the truth.

    So you “can not” dismember parts and pieces of a baby “that’s still ALIVE”?
    But you “can” dismember the baby if you kill the baby first?

    How about defunding abortion, make it illegal period.

    Liberal Republicans are becoming repugnant in their half-assed attempt to placate pro-life conservatives. Sick bastards.

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