New Bill Would Empower Americans to Sue China for Coronavirus Outbreak – IOTW Report

New Bill Would Empower Americans to Sue China for Coronavirus Outbreak

Even without Cotton’s bill, China’s Communist Party is liable to be sued for damages under international law. The British think tank the Henry Jackson Society (HJS) claimed that countries should sue China for breaking international law and demand trillions in damages.

PJM: Americans will be able to take the Chinese Communist Party to court for its lies and omissions about the Chinese Wuhan coronavirus from the Middle Kingdom under a new bill proposed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas). The bill would strike down immunity for foreign countries like China in the specific case of the coronavirus, enabling Americans to sue for damages in U.S. courts.

“By silencing doctors and journalists who tried to warn the world about the coronavirus, the Chinese Communist Party allowed the virus to spread quickly around the globe,” Cotton said in a statement on the legislation. “Their decision to cover up the virus led to thousands of needless deaths and untold economic harm. It’s only appropriate that we hold the Chinese government accountable for the damage it has caused.”

“We need to hold the Chinese government accountable for their malicious lies and coverup that allowed the coronavirus to spread across the world,” Crenshaw declared. “The communist regime expelled journalists, silenced whistleblowers, and withheld vital information that delayed the global response to the pandemic. Simply put: their actions cost American lives and livelihoods. This bill will help ensure China’s actions are not without consequences.”

The Senate bill, which is yet to be filed, is entitled, the “‘Holding the Chinese Communist Party Accountable for Infecting Americans Act of 2020.” The legislation has been modeled after the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, for which 97 senators voted in 2016. more

8 Comments on New Bill Would Empower Americans to Sue China for Coronavirus Outbreak

  1. All you need to know is CCP blocked domestic travel from Wuhan, but let it continue to the rest of the world during china new year, the highest outside travel period.

    No more china products in this house. That goes for American companies that manufacture in china. I don’t know who makes cell phones outside of china (or any electronics for that matter) as a singular example, but we can do without. Not much point twiddling our thumbs waiting for courts; starve these communist asshoes NOW.

  2. And if you win you collect your judgement against them how? The Goldman family hasn’t gotten a penny from OJ and both parties live right here in our nation.

    I can’t imagine any attorney taking on one of these cases unless the plaintiff agrees ahead of time to pay their fee. The bill is nothing more than symbolism.


    I ordered through Walmart online on April 4th, 20 face masks. They sent me a USPS tracking number, which listed the order sitting in Carol Spring IL since April 7 to present. I ordered from them because they did not sound Chinese with a name of “Mancro”.

    Filed an email complaint two days ago with “Mancro” to either poop or get off the pot or cancel my order.

    Here was their reply:

    “Respected Customer,
    So much apology for the delay of shipping .Affected by the new coronavirus epidemic, the needs of masks increased sharply. Our logistics carrier’s warehouse was full with the parcels., resulting in many orders’ logistics information have not being updated in time. Sincerely sorry for this inconvenience caused . We have urged our logistics carrier to upload the latest logistics information as soon as possible.Under this circumstances,the shipping time will be slowly than usual.We sincerely beg you could wait for more 4-6 days . we will do our utmost to enable you receiving the package as soon as possible.
    Many thanks for your understanding .
    Best Regards

    发送时间: 2020年4月17日 7:40
    主题: Customer Inquiry”

    Like I always have said, for the US to jerk the China addiction needle out of its arm and make our own stuff again.

    Now that I know who I am dealing with, if the masks do arrive, I will throw them in the trash. Probably has a new China strain on it.

    Still can’t shake the feeling that Pelosie and the Dems are in cahoots with the Chinese to oust Trump by tanking the economy via COVID-19,

  4. ^^^ pianamusic – Don’t leave out the Complicit Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media in that cabal! After all, their TV world tanked when cable came along and the print Media tanked when the Internet ramped up relegating them to little more than cheap whores pedaling propaganda. They’re all in it together!

  5. @ecp:

    No more china products in this house. That goes for American companies that manufacture in china. I don’t know who makes cell phones outside of china…

    There is at least one, the Purism Librem 5. There are still a few components made outside the U.S. but they’re working on making the phone entirely via a U.S. supply chain. Also, it runs PureOS, a Linux distro, and is entirely and I mean ENTIRELY open source. No proprietary ANYTHING. It is built for privacy and security, to the point where it has hardware kill switches for WiFi, Cellular, Microphone/Cameras and any of the three will turn off GPS as well. It is, as you may imagine, expensive. But at $1,999 it isn’t that much more than the outright purchase prices of the latest high-end Samsungs and iPhones.

    Disclaimer: I have no financial (or any other) interest in this or any other mobile phone company.

    Edit: The internationally sourced version of the phone is $749. You do pay a premium for Made in USA.

  6. Thanks Uncle Al,

    Just about any phone can run Linux if rooted. The current Samsucky Galaxy S7 phone I have is the only phone I’ve never rooted to put Linux on it, I got lazy. It’s about time to get rid of it, the battery hardly holds a charge anymore.

    The Librem with user replaceable modem and battery should be a phone that will last me the rest of my life, so long as the companies that make the form factor stick around. I probably will justify the cost. If I ever get my Trump Bucks it’ll be an easy painless swap.

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