New Bio Scrambles to Protect Obama’s Literary Reputation – IOTW Report

New Bio Scrambles to Protect Obama’s Literary Reputation

Some on the left are still trying to convince people that Obama the liar and fraud wrote his books by his very own self.


American Thinker/ Jack Cashill:

“I’ve written two books,” candidate Barack Obama told a crowd of teachers in Virginia in July of 2008.  The crowd applauded.  “I actually wrote them myself.”

In his massive new biography about Obama’s pre-presidential years, Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, Pulitzer Prize winner David Garrow chose to cut this literary baby in half.  Yes, Obama had help with his 1995 masterpiece,Dreams from My Father – a lot of help – but it sure as hell did not come from local editorial guru Bill Ayers.  In the book, Garrow does not even raise the Ayers question.  It is seemingly beneath his dignity.  The help allegedly came from a law school buddy named Rob Fisher.

As to Obama’s presumed genius, Garrow never quite endorses it, but he does not challenge it, either.  He makes no comment, for instance, on the literary quality of Obama’s first published essay, “Breaking the War Mentality,” written during Obama’s senior year at Columbia.  He should have.

The essay is clunky, pedestrian, and wonkish, a C- paper in freshman comp – maybe less, given that there are five sentences in which the noun and verb do not agree.   read more

12 Comments on New Bio Scrambles to Protect Obama’s Literary Reputation

  1. “I’ve written two books,”……..

    Big deal, with my single vote I put a president in the WH that will eventually make all your lies, deceit and corruption a part of history.

  2. On the ‘Today Show’, April 2013, Obama showed off his command on the English language: “What we’ve said to the girls is, ‘If you guys ever decided you’re going to get a tattoo, then mommy and me will get the exact same tattoo in the same place.”

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