New Black Panther chair backs away from 2nd Amendment comments – IOTW Report

New Black Panther chair backs away from 2nd Amendment comments

NBP: CLEVELAND — The chairman of the New Black Panther Party, who was quoted earlier this week saying members would be openly expressing their constitutional right to bear arms ahead of the Republican National Convention, now says he was misquoted.

Hashim Nzinga, who had told Reuters in an interview that members “will exercise our Second Amendment rights because there are other groups threatening to be there that are threatening to do harm to us,” later took to social media in an apparent attempt to clarify his comments:  MORE

13 Comments on New Black Panther chair backs away from 2nd Amendment comments

  1. Ha!
    Shot your mouth off and then realized that white folks might own guns and bring them too.
    Did the reality set in that most Americans who own guns can hit what they’re aiming at, usually from hundreds of yards away, and those guys ain’t on your side.
    Unlike your dufus loser militia that equates fancy militaristic outfits with prowess and penis size. Proving that all you are is ambush predators, unworthy of a toe to toe fight.
    The last paragraph is the most telling, they are charging to get in.

  2. I see they are featuring “Dr.” Marc Lamont Hill, that fast talker that used to do the cable talk shows. Guess he has been demoted to the black unity convention circuit.

  3. JohnS July 16, 2016 at 9:22 am

    I never see any of those guys at the range.

    Nor do you ever see them hunting for deer, they only hunt and kill their own. You rarely ever see them camping or put a boat in the water. I mostly see them at the bus stop dealing their drugs. They do love playing the knock out game though.

  4. While I normally support Second Amendment rights for everyone, I’m not so sure if it would be a good idea for the Black Panthers (AKA: BLM) to show up at the Republican Convention carrying arms.

    Just a hunch, y’know?


  5. The local news showed some of these fine upstanding conference attendees. There were maybe 8 people there plus some of the usual Cleveland kooks like Art McCoy. Looks like no one wanted to pay a fee.
    These out-of-staters should check the stat’s on how many CCW’s there are in Ohio.

  6. Well, I guess they are taking PR lessons from the Democrats now. When most Americans pictured the New Black Panthers it was either images of the old ones (black berets, leather jackets, shades and rifles) or the new ones (black leather jackets, shades, berets and baseball bats) and when this one shot off his mouth about bringing guns to the GOP convention someone realized that was a PR disaster. So the answer was???? LIE, yes the old dem standby used by the likes of Wiener and Harry (“the Mob Bitch”) Reid. Stand right up, look straight into the camera and lie. It doesn’t matter if they have it on video just lie and repeat that lie again and again. They have friends in the media who’ll downplay the original statement on orders from their keepers so if Shabazz whatever the hell his name is keeps on lying they ought to be fine. Maybe some people ought to protest his protest meeting.

  7. Every kook, fringe group in the country is going to Cleveland, hoping to snag a talking head and his cameraman walking in or out of a venue. I don’t think the BP or BLM will be leading news. That’s why this criminal thug made the comment he did — trying to gin up pre-convention interest.

  8. The process of immigration implies assimilation. Until a generation or two ago, unity was the desired effect. You will notice the concept is now Diversity, which is the antithesis of unity. (See T.R. quotes on assimilation.)

    Since the Reconstruction, there have been numerous programs
    to enable blacks to assimilate. Among them are Constitutional Amendments, Civil rights Acts, Affirmative Action etc. Unfortunately these opportunities have been largely squandered.
    The result is evident today- the chickens have come home to roost.
    (See Lincoln quotes regarding Blacks in America. And for perspective see LBJ quotes)
    Great Society, my ass.

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