New Book Claims Bushes Had Harsh Words For Trump – IOTW Report

New Book Claims Bushes Had Harsh Words For Trump

Daily Caller: Former presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush apparently had some harsh words for Donald Trump, according to a new book.

According to a report from CNN, in a book about the two Bush presidents titled “The Last Republicans,” author Mark Updegrove writes that George W. Bush said “wow, this guy doesn’t know what it means to be president,” in reference to Donald Trump.


George H.W. Bush also reportedly called Trump a “blowhard.”

“I don’t like him. I don’t know much about him, but I know he’s a blowhard. And I’m not too excited about him being a leader,” he remarked.

These statements were reportedly made before the election.

The news comes after George W. Bush and Barack Obama made public statements on the same day that constituted veiled swipes at President Trump.

27 Comments on New Book Claims Bushes Had Harsh Words For Trump

  1. W has slumped into a kind of mental madness. He’s lost clarity, and he has ignored his own Mama’s advice, he told us what that was:
    Never brag.
    Never quit.
    Never let them know you’re hurting.
    Don’t look down on anyone.
    Compete hard.
    Play to win.
    Give the other guy credit.

    If W is experiencing flaws it must be because folks haven’t prayed for him like they used to.

  2. The realization that another Bush will never be POTUS must have been too much and the levee that keeps the crazy out of their collective minds has broken.

    Or, they are just F’tards. I think they are just F’tards and now that the mask is off they will never have another family member win high office.

  3. Ever notice the media push on the “dynasty” thing with the roosavelts, kennedys, bushes, clintons? That’s a red flag to me, given their obsession with all things european. Pretty sure that was not our founder’s intent. To me, the only thing worse than a progressive is a whole damn family of them.

  4. Never forget it was H.W that extolled the “New World Order!” He was the first President and the first politician to speak that phrase in public. Why then do we wonder about the Bush family’s penchant for global elitism?

  5. To hell with these people. They are the problem. They are The Swamp.

    They think they are The Republican Party and that it is their private club and you don’t meet the dress code or come from high enough stock to join.

    They don’t know people like you and really on the media to tell them who you are. So you’re just a bunch of racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, homophobic, cousinfucking, opioid addicts who are easily led by a demagogue.

    This is nothing new. They just feel comfortable telling their liberal friends that their compassionate conservatism doesn’t extend to, you know, actual conservatives.

    I’ve heard others question before why Reagan picked Bush. It was not his choice. It was forced on him as a compromise or Bush and the establishment would not have supported him.

    The Bushes are the worst Republicans. The ones who have no loyalty and feel no obligation or respect for the people who supported them. No, when that time came they took a knee – to our groins.

  6. “The first cut is the deepest”
    I’ve always thought that the charge into Iraq after 911 was
    only all about driving the price of oil way up. Means a lot
    to an oil family, not too much for those that sacrificed all
    only to have the next jerk throw it all away.

  7. The elites against the rest of us. They are in the club, barely, and they don’t want to lose their places at the table, even though they are relegated to the kiddy tables.

  8. Despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. George W. Bush went to war under the false pretense that Saddam Hussein still possessed weapons of mass destruction. Sometimes, I believe that Bush never spoke to anyone who knew what a hopeless, impossible mess Iraq was going to be without a ruthless dictator holding all those crazy religious factions in check. The destruction of the Middle East that resulted from trying to impose democracy on these ungrateful religious lunatics is probably going to result in an even more destructive war with Iran. This is going to be Bush’s lasting legacy. That and the lack of any criticism of Obama while he tried to dismantle America’s democracy. Now, Bush has found his true calling; criticizing President Trump.

  9. Next. What the Bushes say or do is irrelevant, because they, as a political power, are irrelevant.
    As for what the Bushes are saying about President Trump……
    Is it because the Bushes are just now saying these things? Or is it because the LSM presstitutes are finally reporting what the Bushes are saying? (versus the LSM NOT reporting what the Bushes were saying all along about O’Bozo, Moochelle and family?)


    …and lost friends and family members b/c of it. Cancelled my facebook b/c of it. But did the Bush family ever defend Conservatism, their voters, their record, or decisions? NOPE. They left us out to dry.

    HERE COMES TRUMP. And guess who is out there challenging Republican voters, Trump’s record and decisions? Yup. The shitty Bush family.

    🔶 The Bush’s were NEVER Conservative from the beginning. 🔶

    Like McCain, like Romney, they were PLACEHOLDERS so someone more Conservative doesn’t take that spot.

  11. The Bush Clan has been far left for at least 75 years! They have hated President Reagan for 37 years. Their liberal politics have not changed. What has is they no longer try to fool the serfs into thinking they are not progressives. Some of the serfs were never fooled!

  12. W’s statement made it crystal clear and it certainly applies to the Bushes: They’re either for us, or against us.

    If I were driving at night and came across a Bush on the side of a country road, well … … you know.

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