New Book Encourages Kids To Throw ‘Tantrums’ To Stop Global Warming – IOTW Report

New Book Encourages Kids To Throw ‘Tantrums’ To Stop Global Warming

DC: An Australian author and noted climate scientist are asking for donations to publish a children’s book that “explains climate change to kids and empowers them to act” and is also carbon neutral, according to their KickStarter page.

The children’s book, “The Tantrum That Saved The World,” encourages kids to become global warming activists.

Author Megan Herbert and scientist Michael Mann want to publish a children’s book that tells a “story about a little girl who comes face to face with an enormous challenge, feels all kinds of frustration as she tries to overcome it, and then channels those strong emotions into action, rallying all those around her to do the same,” the authors wrote on KickStarter.

In a promotional video, Herbert said that while parents should ordinarily discourage kids from throwing tantrums, “these are not ordinary times.”

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26 Comments on New Book Encourages Kids To Throw ‘Tantrums’ To Stop Global Warming

  1. This is the socialists’ answer to everything.
    The negroes, the fascists, the fools, the sheeple, the illegally-invading rat-people, the Journ-O-Listers of the fourth estate (the fifth column), the morons in the universities, the imbeciles in the House and Senate – just throw a fit and the adults will surrender.

    They keep on keepin on … and we give in …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Science fraud, Michael Mann, still touts his debunked hockey stick graph as if it’s credible. The book’s “carbon footprint” will be offset by “carbon credits”? Total bs. The warmist hucksters are brainwashing kids to accept “carbon credits” as a legitamte commodity. Just look into the history of the sulfur dioxide credit market after the acid rain scare in the 90’s to get an idea of what kind of scam they’re promoting.

  3. At the end of the book, the kid’s friends laugh at the kid throwing the tantrum until the kid is shamed into stop believing in fairy tales.

    Michael Mann and the author go broke and end up living under a bridge over the river, never to be heard from again.

  4. I’d buy one just to see how they manage to ship this to me using “carbon offset shipping.” The mail lady (no longer a mail man) has a [government supplied] truck that coughs and spits raw fuel out the tail pipe and stinks for 10 minutes after she’s down the road. I’ll let her know a new kind of truck is on the way. It will be her “Holiday Tip” this year instead of 20 bucks.

  5. I’m constantly bashing leftist anti-gun loons from the land of aus. on FB -one possibility is there is a vast chasm between the mindset of those who have been free citizens vs those having been royal subjects all their lives.

  6. This is the socialists’ answer to everything.
    The negroes, the fascists, the fools, the sheeple, the illegally-invading rat-people, the Journ-O-Listers of the fourth estate (the fifth column), the morons in the universities, the imbeciles in the House and Senate – just throw a fit and the adults will surrender.

    Then they grow up to be little socialist shitheels that throw hissy fits when a rigged election doesn’t go their way.

  7. I’m fortunate, with my second grader in a private school, I’ve seen NO indoctrination that I wouldn’t expect for a conservative school.

    Worth every phucking hard earned dollar I pay in tuition.

  8. Lol. They threw Nye into the mix also. They have a failbook page. This is going to be fun!

    The adults are running out of steam, so they need the young ‘uns to pick up the slack. Imagine all the social cred you can get from your friends and their parents by having a tantrum! Chaos everywhere!

    I have already had to re-educate a student on the 1A as it applies to the school environment this year. There’s always at least one who is unclear on the concept.

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