New book explores how a woman who placed Communists in seminaries reverted to her Catholic faith – IOTW Report

New book explores how a woman who placed Communists in seminaries reverted to her Catholic faith

With the help of Bishop Fulton Sheen, Bella Dodd turned away from the devil of Communism towards God and became a witness against her former ideology.

(LifeSiteNews) – We haven’t heard the last of Bella Dodd.

Bestselling author Dr. Paul Kengor and his co-author Mary Nicholas, MD, have just published a new book on Bella Dodd and her conversion to the Catholic faith. It is called The Devil and Bella Dodd: One Woman’s Struggle Against Communism and Her Redemption (TAN Books). In it, they also explore the claim attributed to the former Communist that she helped place more than 1,000 fellow Communists into Catholic seminaries.

In an interview with LifeSite about this new book (see full interview below), Paul Kengor explains that he and his co-author “were able to confirm that Bella Dodd truly said that she had been tasked to infiltrate seminaries by the Communist Party with over a thousand Communists.” He and his co-author succeeded in finding additional evidence – besides the recollection of Alice von Hildebrand – that confirm Bella Dodd’s words. He told LifeSite: “We quote several eyewitnesses, two of whom signed sworn affidavits (and just died, one of them in June), and another who is still alive and lives in California.”

For example, the authors quote a living eyewitness, Sherry Finn, who told them: “I remember the huge number of a thousand who had infiltrated the Catholic Church – some to the very top levels of the Church.” As the authors relate, Dodd knew four cardinals in Rome who were communists, and she worked with them. Unfortunately, Bishop Fulton Sheen – the bishop who brought Dodd back to the Church – told Dodd never to reveal the names of these cardinals, out of fear of scandal. MORE

12 Comments on New book explores how a woman who placed Communists in seminaries reverted to her Catholic faith

  1. As a Christian, my sympathies are more for our own country now. The US is turning against Christ and typical atheist countries are coming to Him in droves. I spent 10 years traveling to China (2x per year) and the Church is growing there exponentially.

  2. People like Fulton Sheen and Malachi Martin recognized what was up in the 1950’s and 60’s and sounded the warning. I recognized the infiltrators in local Catholic parishes, particularly but not exclusively the fake nuns, by the time I was seven years old. That is what Vat II was all about, subverting The Church.

  3. SHE may seek personal redemption, but repentance may be harder to come by.
    Part of repentance involves undoing the harm and damage done by the sinner.
    She may name those Communists that she infiltrated into the Catholic church, but they have had time to spread their Communist teachings throughout the church.
    The damage to the Catholic church may never be undone.
    So good luck with that redemption and repentance.

  4. Please go look for yourself at the Record
    msNBC on the day after the Gay Drag Kiddie Diddlers Party
    A Robe and Cross wearing Kiddy Diddler posing as a cleric
    Was on msNBC Fountain of Evil broadcast
    Preaching how kiddie drag partys are loving family fun
    Ain’t bothering no one
    Why is everybody picking on THEM?

    No Shit.
    Check the ever-loving Record

  5. As a young woman who had proved her leadership qualities, my wife was called into a meeting and offered membership into the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. They demanded that belief in God be totally rejected as a prerequisite for membership. She walked out and made her way to the Russian Orthodox Church in her city and asked to be baptized. Communists work for Satan.

  6. Read THE VENONA SECRETS. As you’ll see, penetrating the seminaries was not on the top of the list. Education, entertainment, law, the media were in front of getting communists into the seminaries.

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