New CBS News Poll Shows Most Americans Think ‘Bidenomics’ Sucks – IOTW Report

New CBS News Poll Shows Most Americans Think ‘Bidenomics’ Sucks

Repeatedly trying to slap lipstick on President Joe Biden’s ramshackled economy just got a lot harder for the presstitutes. Americans aren’t buying it.

5 Comments on New CBS News Poll Shows Most Americans Think ‘Bidenomics’ Sucks

  1. Surprised that CBS would admit a fact – particularly this fact.

    Also surprised that some of the 81 million who voted(?) for Joe would object to his shitty “economy.”

    The Biden Administration’s “economic” policy, while being a boon to the traitors, crooks, liars, thieves, and corrupt-o-crats in DC, is an unmitigated disaster for America – and I’m sure that’s the way it was planned.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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