New Court Filing Re-Opens Question Of Who Gave Trump Dossier To BuzzFeed – IOTW Report

New Court Filing Re-Opens Question Of Who Gave Trump Dossier To BuzzFeed

The former MI6 agent disclosed earlier this year in a London court, where he is being sued by Gubarev, that he did not provide the dossier to BuzzFeed or any other media outlets. He claims that he has only provided the complete dossier to Fusion, British intelligence services and to David Kramer, an associate of Arizona Sen. John McCain.

New Court Filing Re-Opens Question Of Who Gave Trump Dossier To BuzzFeed

12 Comments on New Court Filing Re-Opens Question Of Who Gave Trump Dossier To BuzzFeed

  1. The guy is dying and to this day he keeps up the evil and the charade of being a Republican instead of going home to his family and spending most of the time with them. Bitter old fool. He’s so disgusting.

  2. It was the man with the midgets arms. Funny that news reported earlier that the Captain of the USS McCain was shitcanned for the collision with another ship at sea. Even the ship named after him can’t keep from fucking up. Haha

  3. Hey McCain, your shipmates that have passed to the other side have been waiting for the past 50 years to see you again. Please have the decency not to keep them waiting any longer.

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