New Court Records Reveal Hunter Biden Wants ‘No Custody’ of Baby Identified as “NJR” – IOTW Report

New Court Records Reveal Hunter Biden Wants ‘No Custody’ of Baby Identified as “NJR”

– And He Doesn’t Even Know What His Baby Looks Like.

GWP: Court records revealed that Hunter Biden will not fight for custody of his child with former stripper Lunden Roberts.

Hunter had a child with 28-year-old Lunden Roberts after meeting her at a DC strip joint where she worked as a stripper and she is in court demanding Hunter pay child support.

Ms. Roberts dragged Hunter Biden into a nasty court battle after he has ‘refused to pay child support for over a year’ and refused to pay her $11,000 legal bill.

“Baby Doe” was identified as “NJR” in the new court records and Hunter Biden was named as the “non-custodial parent.”

“The Arkansas Department of Health shall issue a new or substituted birth certificate listing Lunden Alexis Roberts as the mother and Robert Hunter Biden as the father,” Judge Holly Meyer wrote in her order.

Hunter Biden will be able to visit his baby, but Lunden Roberts would have to agree to the visiting terms. read more

15 Comments on New Court Records Reveal Hunter Biden Wants ‘No Custody’ of Baby Identified as “NJR”

  1. @Kcir (2 Faced Trudeau): I don’t think Biden had much to do with raising his brat kid. A proper upbringing wouldn’t have resulted in the way he acts as an adult. His daddy was too busy fondling little girls and sniffing women’s hair…..that’s where Hunter got it from. Like father like son.

  2. The Coastal Elites like to look down at us Flyover Country folks as a bunch of inbred hillbillies.

    But it’s the Elites who are the true Inbreds. They prove daily that they will have sex with anyone or anything. One Democrat Party candidate wants to legalize bestiality with animals! Not joking!

  3. I imagine no past or current girlfriends and/or wives want to consider rawdogging a stripper without protection and that you are potentially sharing the diseases of everyone they boned.

    The tale of Hunter Biden is not one of some libertine living life to its fullest. It is one of someone who knows he’s so overextended and that the whole shithouse could go up in flames at any moment.

    The only thing that has prevented it is the Enemedia Fire Brigade keeping a hose on it at every turn.

  4. With all the morals of a slug Hunter is a stinking road-apple that didn’t fall far from the horse’s ass!
    Calling him a worthless Piece Of Shit is about the best you can say about him!!
    I’d call him Stool Sample Biden if it weren’t for the fact that he would be confused with his old man!

  5. Hunter had a child with

    Oh. Bull. Sh!t!

    Prostitute’s “protection” “failed” (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more…).

    Period (wink, wink). Full. Stop.

  6. Kid, at 20: My father was a super important man whom I’ve never met. I heard he was handsome, too. Also, my grandpa was a super awesome senator from somewhere.
    Biden JR: No, I am your father.
    Kid: No! That can’t be true!
    Biden JR: search your feelings, you know it to be true.

  7. @Hey wink January 9, 2020 at 12:12 pm

    > As far as your implication that he was trapped

    Oh, NOES, prinxess! “Trapped” implies there was trickery. Some sort of choice.

    Hooker decided what was payment enough to “amuse” him. Hooker took payment. Oopsie! Hooker’s pregnant. (And has the choice to double bill “John” [Q. Public] for an abortion. If hooker wants.)

    Government of, by, and for hookers has already written (subject to meaning by The Supreme Court of Hookers) that pregnant hookers are entitled to eternal pay. From everybody else. Through government of, by, and for hookers.

    That’s not trickery. That’s not entrapment. That’s a repubic. Their country tis of thee… shweet land of free-eebies… Of thee we sing.


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