New criminal category: “Florida Student” – IOTW Report

New criminal category: “Florida Student”

Florida middle schoolers arrested for beating white students in racially-motivated attack: police

FOX: A group of Florida middle school students found themselves under arrest after allegedly beating up a group of white students based solely on their skin color.

Authorities in Broward County, Florida confirmed to Fox News they arrested and charged five students of Lyons Creek Middle School for allegedly attacking four other students in a racially-inspired attack near the school. more

14 Comments on New criminal category: “Florida Student”

  1. Teach your children how to fight – and how to win those fights.
    “… middle school students found themselves under arrest after allegedly beating up a group of white students …”
    “Middle school students?
    “Racially motivated?”
    What race are “middle school students?”
    The statement is (intentionally) meaningless, if not deceiving.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I remember the racially charged threats and fights at school after busing started.

    Nothing has changed since 1972 as far as I can tell.

    Nice progress, progressives.

  3. FFS, black kids have been doing this since I was in jr. high school in the early ’70s. Is government finally gonna start acknowledging the existence of the Klan with a Tan?

  4. White kids when you are out numbered by black people anywhere: just quietly slip away.That goes for you asians,and jews. Tell your white kids this because it might save them an ass whooping or worse.

  5. This all started to go south when Barrack Hussein Obama was elected, the grievances industry came to power, the professional victims had a voice in the White House. Every loser, race hustler/pimp, race agitator, actual racist came out of the wood work, and that has managed to undo decades of accomplishments to put that stuff behind. The same party, the so-called democratic party that fought for slavery, ran the KKK, started the civil war, ran the lynch mobs, controlled the Jim Crow south filibustered all civil rights acts, turned us back to the pre civil rights times where people are again judged by the color of their skin.
    This is the result of what they have been doing since then.


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