New Details About the Mysterious J6 Pipe Bomber – IOTW Report

New Details About the Mysterious J6 Pipe Bomber

It seems likely that government officials were involved in planting pipe bombs in Washington, DC three years ago, as part of an effort to keep Donald Trump from running for president again. Darren Beattie has details.

SNIP: Does the “pipe bomber” walk/behave like a female to you? Or is it just me?

16 Comments on New Details About the Mysterious J6 Pipe Bomber

  1. There are far too many coconspirators to keep a lid on this scandal. It’s only a matter of time before a low-level Fed rats out his upper levels. Eventually, the head of the DoJ is going to be held accountable. Then other agencies are going to suffer the same fate. Bug Hillary’s phone. Democrat movers and shakers are going to want her advice.

  2. What no Antifa, BLM or how that Ray Epps? That victim card has been a busy busy beaver. But I did it for you. You watch, someday, some bragging fool will get drunk & claim oh yeah that was me. To this day they are still catching those mostly “peaceful” folks who desecrated the Capital building.

  3. Stupid. Pitiful acting. The usual suspects.
    Inciteful without actually doing anything.
    Done poorly.
    Ridiculous “co-incidence.”
    No “journalistic integrity” – they all brayed from the same script.
    Rush to “judgement” in an atmosphere of feigned panic, feigned indignation, vituperation, and a complete lack of evidence.

    Obviously a Fed stunt. They learned from the Reichstag Fire (or when the Bolsheviks murdered their own protesters in St. Petersburg and blamed it on Nicholas) and have nothing else – no imagination. Stupid drones doing stupid shit – sophomoronic in concept and execution.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. YESSSSS! I have been saying this since I first saw the video a couple/few years ago… That’s a chick! Center of gravity, gait, build…

    Now ask me what I think about Michele Obama…

  5. ^^^^
    That maybe Joan Rivers was right… And that Barack did say “Michael and I”… And that one of their daughters looks like him and the other looks like her and there are no photos of a pregnant Michelle. BUT: before I come to the conclusion that Joan was right, I gotta say Michelle does has some wide childbearing hips that don’t tend to be part of gender affirming surgeries. So, maybe she’s just ‘big boned’ as our mothers used to say about our awkward classmates… But, then again, there is the center of gravity, gait, build…

  6. Never mind, I’ll tell you. LOL. I think as little as possible about the dumb thing. I don’t know that they would run it against Trump. It doesn’t think or speak all that well unless it’s saying something like, All This For A Flag. That’s one fucked up individual that belongs to no country. Plus it’s got a temper and is pretty easy to draw out. She received world wide exposure on a lie. And that lie was her so called husband was a legitimate President.

  7. What people are not talking about is the cooking timer in the image only runs for a few hours max, and the bombs were placed at their locations more than 12 hours before the intended protests. Either they were both so poorly constructed that neither exploded at their intended times or they were planted as a ruse.
    Also – the image seems to only show the dial portion of a timer. That would only be put there like that if it was a ruse.
    I’ll leave it for you to decide.


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