New Details about Youth Attacks on Temple University Students, Bystanders – IOTW Report

New Details about Youth Attacks on Temple University Students, Bystanders

Breitbart: New details have emerged from the investigation into several large groups of Philadelphia youths who marauded through Temple University beating students and bystanders.

Police now say over 150 youths descended upon Temple campus, and the victims now number at least seven, plus an injured  police horse.


Police were called on Friday, October 21, when the mob of teens began running around the campus attacking people who were walking the sidewalks on campus. Police first claimed that perhaps as many as 50 attackers were involved, but now the number has been increased to over 150.

Also, earlier reports noted one or two victims of the attackers, but now that number includes at least six students and one police officer.

Temple University officials scrambled on Friday to send out warnings to students and staffers on campus to stay indoors while the mobs careened through the area.

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19 Comments on New Details about Youth Attacks on Temple University Students, Bystanders

  1. Lame Stream Media will try to ignore this, or call it a test for safe havens on campus. They lie more than any honest reporting. Lost all credibility. Not worth listening to nor reading.

  2. In the linked article, the news item said these feral pavement apes had wrecked havoc for 2 weeks? How is it that this shit went on for 2 weeks and nothing was done about it?

  3. What a fighter pilot might describe as a “snowflake-rich environment.” An excellent lesson can be learned here – but won’t – is that, despite the fact that “Temple University prided itself on its campus safety campaign”, trusting your personal safety to anything other than yourself and your Colt or, for you illuminati/glitterati a likewise accessorized bodyguard, is a fool’s game. Your need for a safe space or an outstanding campus safety program will instantly become completely and utterly irrelevant when real life strikes.

  4. I have never met anyone black-mex or muzzie that would fight me one on one-always had to have a friend or two step in. these punks need to be shot-shoot one or two and the others will run home crying to momma.

  5. One more reason for concealed carry! Lethal force is justified if in your place a reasonable person would feel their life was in imminent peril of injury or death. These “youths” would think twice before acting this way if they knew that they ran the risk of being sho for their behavior.

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