New Details Emerge Of Lynch’s Dealings With The Hillary Campaign – IOTW Report

New Details Emerge Of Lynch’s Dealings With The Hillary Campaign

ZeroHedge: Last night we asked a very simple question about why the DNC has failed to cooperate with Russia investigators by handing over their infamous email server to either the FBI or Robert Mueller’s team (see: DNC Server: Most Critical Evidence To Proving “Russian Hacking” Is Being Withheld From Mueller, Why?).  Afterall, if Russia did “hack the election”, as we’ve been told 24/7 by CNN going on 8 months now, then the evidence could very well be on that server.  Which prompted us to ask this very simple question:


All of which brings us back to our original question: If the DNC is in possession of actual tangible evidence that could prove once and for all that Russians hacked their servers and attempted to undermine the campaign of Hillary Clinton, why not share that evidence with investigators and enjoy the blissful vindication that its public release would provide?

We concluded by wondering whether the stonewalling from the DNC just might have something to do with this “purely coincidental’ meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton on a tarmac in Phoenix and/or Loretta Lynch’s ‘assurances’ to members of the Clinton campaign that the FBI’s investigation (or, “matter” if you prefer) of Hillary Clinton “wouldn’t go too far“?  Afterall, if evidence of “Russian hacking” were on that server, so to would there be evidence of Lynch’s transgressions…if they existed, of course.

But we’re not the only ones wondering whether there’s more to the Lynch story.  According to an article in the New York Postsome testimony that Lynch offered under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee last year could come back to haunt her.  In that testimony, Lynch said that she had “not spoken to anyone on either the campaign or transition or any staff members affiliated with them.”

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21 Comments on New Details Emerge Of Lynch’s Dealings With The Hillary Campaign

  1. For all of us who cast a vote for Trump in November, 2016, linger over this sweet revelation a moment longer.

    They were all so certain that crooked hag, as D’Souza likes to call her, was going to be their next president. They all thought with less than a second’s pause, that they could keep on keeping on; that new boss would hand out awards to all of them for being loyal to the cause. They had no idea whatsoever that a bunch of fly-over, Bible-clinging, “Deplorables” and “Irredeemables” would have a one chance in hell to pull it off. The very idea was laughable and contemptible. We’d all been written off. So absolutely certain were they.

    Your vote and your vote and my vote and her vote and their votes. We made this possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    To all the Loretta Lynches in this country, the jig is up, honey.

  2. This weeks headline, next week’s garbage can liner.

    At this point what difference does it make?

    The DNC has wiped their server clean, all associated emails and paperwork has been destroyed and Mueller is heading the investigation with the best democratic attorney operatives money can buy.

    Call it the shadow government or the deep state, the end result will be the same as the Hillary Investigation, Clinton Foundation, Pay to play politics, Benghazi, Holder’s gun running to the cartel, IRS targeting investigation, Obama’s $150 Billion to Iran, the Iran Nuclear deal, selling arms and financing ISIS and other terrorist organizations, McCain’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Security leaks, Bergdahl treason, NSA, FBI, ATF, BLM and Homeland security’s breach of Constitutional rights, Massive voter fraud, illegals and the dead voting, media collusion, fake news, etc., etc.

    What do you honestly think the end result will be?
    A big “Nothing Burger”.
    The elite are untouchable and in-indictable.

    And to top it all, the GOP has no leadership in the House or Senate and no guts to pursue truth or justice and has long since forgotten about the American Way.

  3. I don’t know, Cato. The DoJ doesn’t need a recommendation from anyone to pursue an investigation and indictment. Despite Comey’s cushy carve out of his fiefdom, the FBI works for the DoJ.

  4. And still no sign of Sessions. I’m thinking I would be making more progress than he is and I haven’t even stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. Maybe I’m way too impatient, ok, I am too impatient. But what is the DOJ doing?

  5. AbigailAdams
    I don’t know either, I’m just looking at past non-results and anticipating none of the above changes.
    I hope I’m in error, big time.
    Atty Gen’l Sessions prove me wrong, please. Please !

    Joe6pak and I are impatient after years of waiting.

  6. They (dems) think their insiders can stave off investigation into their crooked dealings but their lies are backfiring. Everywhere they stomp on the shit bag it wants to ooze out. Soon it will burst.

  7. Trump should have mentioned (to the press) that one topic which he and Putin discussed is the price the latter is asking for the clones of the relevant DNC servers.

    Lynch would be heading for “Namibia” pronto.

  8. I’m wondering what Comey left on his office computer…..

    Trump45 did that one like a true BOSS….

    Comey was fired while in California… I would guess that Comey’s computer didn’t get wiped.

  9. If Sessions is smart and is on to something the best thing to do is keep it quiet. If the media or dems get any hint of an investigation they will do everything they can to derail it.
    It’s always the quiet one’s you have to watch out for.

  10. We’ll know the SJGR when Kampala Harris, Waxine Matters and the rest of the Congressional Crack Caucus start maxing out their Race Cards on TV with more racial attacks on AG Sessions. They know that is his weak spot, and they are just waiting for word from their DOJ moles. He absolutely must get some thicker skin immediately.

  11. @AbigailAdams July 8, 2017 at 6:51 pm

    > We’d all been written off. So absolutely certain were they.

    An honest paraphrasing: “Nobody I know would ever think of voting for that nasty man!”

  12. They Really did Say & do Anything to get Hilly Elected , no Matter how Crazy and Out there it Was ! After an Eternity of Obummer, and a Future with Hill they were Home Free. I bet they even Had Freinds at Happy Hour Hystericly Laughing at what they’de Cooked Up For A.P That Morning !

  13. @cato July 8, 2017 at 6:56 pm

    > GOP has no leadership in the House or Senate and no guts to pursue truth or justice and has long since forgotten about the American Way

    I suspect a dim remembrance of the shadow of “the American Way” of negotiating with tyrants is why there’ll never be anything to see here, move along.

  14. Sessions needs more time to clean out the stables. He can’t proceed until the right people are in place in the Justice Department. Everything will be revealed in time. If it looks like a rush to judgement, it will be easier for the MSDM to discredit. Half the country won’t believe it is anything but a vindictive witch hunt. As the truth is revealed, more people will back the effort to bring these miscreants to heel. These are very powerful people with lots of well placed friends. They have to get the lower level criminals to take down their bosses. There is another John Dean out there just waiting for a summons.

  15. @Marco — Yeah, I’m thinking along the same lines. Plus, it would mire everything the President is trying to accomplish with the economy, jobs, security, NOKO, education, etc. to have to tie up his staff with the work involved — even though most of the heavy lifting would be at the DoJ. It would create a lot of static around the WH at a time when he’s so busy with getting us out of Paris, killing off ISIS in Syria, negotiating petroleum deals with the Baltics, etc.

    In the meantime all these criminals will just keep digging bigger holes for themselves and probably start ratting each other out. LOL! It didn’t take Comey long, did it?

  16. AA, The wheels of Gubbermint turn very slowly, but they do turn.
    On a separate note what Pres. Trump has accomplished since taking office is unprecedented and without equal from 7/4/1776 to date. No one else even comes close.
    The wimps in Congress should be required to keep the same schedule, half of them would be dead in two weeks!

  17. This is a massive investigation of every department in our government. These crimes went on for years and the criminals are numerous. To assume that this will be solved in one year after Trump’s election is unrealistic. Sessions is knee deep in his work and probably has no time to come up for air.
    Trump and Sessions were working on this long before the election. Trump’s contempt for the criminals was quite evident in his campaign. I don’t think he will let us down.

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