New Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton a Huge Fan of Neo-Nazi, Hezbollah-Linked Author – IOTW Report

New Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton a Huge Fan of Neo-Nazi, Hezbollah-Linked Author

DougRoss- The steady drip-drip-drip of Hillary Clinton’s emails by the State Department appears to be an electronic version of Chinese Water Torture. Yesterday’s release — part of a monthly, rolling disclosure ordered by a federal judge sick of the Obama administration’s stonewalling — reveals that Hillary Clinton has a deep affection for a neo-Nazi kook.


…The issue with Max [Blumenthal] was whether Hillary could have Sidney as an advisor given Sidney [Blumenthal] ’s seeming support for Max’s antics, if not his anti-Israel agenda. Buzzfeed reported on the problem back in November 2013, Clinton Adviser Sid Blumenthal’s New Cause: His Son’s Anti-Israel Book……

Max Blumenthal is toxic to any mainstream political candidate. Indeed, he’d be too toxic even to most left-wing candidates, his anti-Israel venom is so notorious.  MORE

6 Comments on New Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton a Huge Fan of Neo-Nazi, Hezbollah-Linked Author

  1. She delights in sacrificing children to molech. Margaret Sanger is her hero. She’s dedicated her life to the implementation of the teachings of Saul Alinsky. She has no problem blaspheming Christianity, killing, stealing, cheating, lying and indulging in perversion.

    The woman is doing satan’s work, literally.

  2. No surprise, really, when you consider that today’s Demonrat party is roughly equivalent to the NSDAP of 20s and 30s Germany. Their fiscal views, their union views, their capital views, their racial views, their control views, their tobacco views are all similar to the point of creepiness.

  3. I’m not sure that Obama is stonewalling the release of her emails and the like. There’s no love lost between the two families (almost Mafia-like in their actions) and having this slow, but steady release keeps her in the public eye and she is slowly, very slowly losing her popularity with her supporters. If all the mails had been released at the first opportunity it would almost be like ripping off a bandage, very painful at first but then it’s past. This way it’s slowly being peeled causing the most suffering and aggravation. At some point the MSM will be forced to look at this if only to try to staunch the bleeding but then what happens if she starts to lose them as well. Obama couldn’t have planned this better if he tried.

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