New Emails Show More ‘Extremely Careless’ Behavior by Clinton – IOTW Report

New Emails Show More ‘Extremely Careless’ Behavior by Clinton

TownHall: Hillary Clinton may be out of the spotlight for her email scandal now that the election’s over but more emails are coming out that offer additional examples of her being ‘extremely careless’ in handling sensitive information.

New emails released by the State Department Tuesday show Clinton and her aides exchanging talking points, schedules and even passwords over her private server.

Many of the 371 emails posted on the State Department website had been partially released previously, and are separate from the hacked emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta posted by WikiLeaks before the election. Almost all the messages were partly or heavily redacted.

Among the items redacted — yet still sent over email — was Clinton’s iPad password.


12 Comments on New Emails Show More ‘Extremely Careless’ Behavior by Clinton

  1. And there are people that think she should run for mayor of NYC. I think she should be locked up in one of those concrete bunkers in South Dakota, lock her up and throw away the key.

  2. Being extremely careless is doing what she did, then instead of deleting everything, cooperating with the alphabet agencies. Being criminal is doing what she did, including deleting everything, and then denying anything ever happened.

    This nasty old bitch deserves to be under the prison.

  3. It was never about her candidacy dammit! And it is no matter whether she is stupid, evil or drunk. SHE BROKE THE LAW (multiple times) !

    It should always have been about how she endangered her country and the legitimate public servants in the military and our embassies.

    This vile selfish toad deserves nothing but opprobrium and PROSECUTION.
    Certainly no more courtesies!

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