New England Journal of Medicine: Coronavirus Could Be No Worse than Flu – IOTW Report

New England Journal of Medicine: Coronavirus Could Be No Worse than Flu


An editorial published Friday in the New England Journal of Medicine speculated that the coronavirus currently causing panic in world markets could turn out no worse than “a severe seasonal influenza” in terms of mortality.

Citing an analysis of the available data from the outbreak in China, the authors note that there have been zero cases among children younger than 15; and that the fatality rate is 2% at most, and could be “considerably less than 1%.”

Those who have died have been elderly or were already suffering from another illness — as with ordinary flu. The underlying data suggest that the symptoms varies, and fewer than one in six of the cases reported were “severe.”

The authors note that coronavirus looks to be much less severe than other recent outbreaks of respiratory illnesses: read more

24 Comments on New England Journal of Medicine: Coronavirus Could Be No Worse than Flu

  1. This is the Fookin’ Chinee!
    Trying to get rid of Mr. Trump
    Who cares if it derails their own economy in the short term, they will make that money back the first twenty minutes of a Biden term.
    Oh, and Biden is picking that Gorgon Stacy Abrams as a running mate. How do I know?
    Pandering is in the air.

  2. Besides impeachment, what is the one thing that democraps fervently hope for to assist them in defeating DJT?

    How convenient that a “pandemic outbreak” tanks the stock market.

  3. “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

    “If you haven’t got a crisis – invent one.”

    Prudence in all things, but, as was asked previously – how does 25 infected out of a population of 330 Millions be a “crisis?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’m sorry, this “flu” seems to be knocking people over dead on a regular basis. Is someone telling us stories, or lies?? I’m going to be cautious first then be alive and feeling foolish second. Too old to play political games and waking
    up dead.

  5. Deplorable….pay attention to what they say. So and so died because they were in poor health to begin with, elderly or suffering from some other illness. 200 people a day die from the flu. Read Ann Barnhardts latest.

  6. Try reading Chinese tweeters sometimes, fools – several babies and toddlers have died.
    Before YT trashes the channel, China in Focus, is pretty enlightening. Look for a 13 minute segment (Feb 16) translating an ‘investigative journalist’ faking CCP cred to ask about how many corpses they’re burning everyday – into the hundreds – calls the CCP heads f*cking a$$holes.
    “Wuhan crematoriums on brink of collapse”

  7. The real danger of the Corona virus lies not in how serious it is or its fatality rate (which I suspect is not very and rather low) but how the MSM and various political powers convince the public to perceive it.

    IMO, and only IMO, it’s probably more of a fear propaganda tool than a dangerous disease. When people are afraid they readily accept all sorts of things they would never accept otherwise.

    I may be wrong.

  8. Even my teenage daughter, (who just voted for the first time this week) recognizes this as a media hyped scare tactic. She called it “Ebola 2.0”

    So proud!!!

  9. Our local Costco in Kirkland, WA (city where the first death occurred) had a run on bottled water and toilet paper yesterday. Same thing is happening at the Redmond store just a short drive away. How smart is it to go to a mega box store with a horde of unknown people? Touch the cart and touch all the things wrapped in plastic?

    The same smart folks who bought into the Russia hoax believe this will be a pandemic… yet use no common sense to analyze either situation

    Besides, thought bottled water was bad for the planet? Liberal ethics go out the window when panic sets in.

  10. Everybody settle down,
    We all got thru the MSM “We’re all gonna die now”, Mad Cow, Bird Flu, loss by Hilary, again, etc.
    Just do what we should, and enjoy.
    I’m more bother by the damn Liberty Mutual Insurance commercials that run every 3 minutes.
    If we just follow as we have in the past, live your life,,
    It always works out,, (video proof of that).
    (Hopefully LiMu pecked Doug’s eyes before jumping out of the car,,,)

  11. They have no idea what the upper limit of the mortality rate is because China is run by a bunch lying zipperhead motherfuckers. NEJM is being political here, obviously.

    The facts already demonstrate that CV is more dangerous than the typical flu:

    1. Up to 14 days incubation before fist symptoms show, and the infected are contagious most of that time. Because of this, the average number of people an infected person can infect is 2.2 (known as R0 or R-Naught). The Spanish flu had an R0 of 1.8.

    2. CV can stay alive on open air surfaces for up to 9 days.

    3. Vectors of infection are similar to common cold, i.e. contact sufficient to allow travel to nasal passages or lungs.

    4. It has a 2% mortality rate, at minimum, which makes it at least 100x more dangerous than the common flue.

    Trump should be lauded for closing off travel to/from China as soon as he did, but, instead, he gets smeared as a racist by the same motherfuckers who smear him about literally everything he does.

  12. The Chinese medical personnel are dealing with patients while dressed in Hazmat gear. They’re shutting down airports worldwide. Some countries are shutting borders. This isn’t any simple flu. At minimum practice good hygiene skills.

  13. for diy dust masks:
    the filter layer could be from a vacuum cleaner bag. According to wiki, ~’hepa was equivalent to a p100 dust mask, but is not a standard any-more, is now more of a trademark’Also: filter paper is a non-woven fabric – woven fabrics have tiny holes at each crosspoint, non – woven are more like a paper bag, where each tiny fiber is stuck to others and for a filter, the holes at each crosspoint are tiny and more num-erous.

    p100 is better than n95 – the numbers refer to the % of .3 micron particles it will stop,(larger AND? smaller particles are stopped more easily). The letters refer to oil resistance, n means none, p means suitable for multiday use. The p100 filters in my pro dust mask say : use till you can’t breathe thru it any more – how long that is I have no idea, haven’t recieved it yet – a replacement pair costs about 20$ now.
    search – Melt+blown+nonwoven+filter
    patterns are available at pinterest or youtube

    notice the zero hedge article about ‘virus has been in washington for a month?’ – that is why this is dangerous, especially to older folks – it takes 2 weeks to show, you can be spreading it before it shows, the young are little affected

  14. So, the Gov. of Washington declares a state of emergency because the residents of a care center have symptoms of the Wuhan virus and two people are presumed (waiting for CDC confirmation) to test positive for it. The question I have is, why did she wait until now? How many people have died of the flu in Washington this flu season? How many from viral meningitis? The common cold?

    Ford was excoriated for his energetic response to the first Swine flu pandemic back in 1976. Does anyone remember the H1N1 in 2009? Mexico shut down for 2 weeks. Obama’s response was to have us cough into our elbows.

    That strain is still in circulation worldwide and people are still getting sick and dying from it each year, but it has joined many others in the background noise of communicable disease.

    Was Ford wrong or was Obama wrong? Was Ford lucky or unlucky that the Swine flu never really developed into anything? Obama did essentially nothing and the Swine flu ripped through the US but nobody seemed to care. I can tell you, with certainty, that whatever Trump does will be seen as wrong.

    Trying to predict what viruses will do and how any given human or group of humans will cope with it is a crap shoot. Quarantine can give the time needed to develop and test vaccines. Good hygiene and avoiding large events (bummer for an election year and March Madness) will at least delay, if not prevent, getting infected. Stay away from airplanes, boats, trains and buses. Avoid travel outside your area, and don’t encourage visitors from out of your area. If your community starts showing cases, hunker down, if possible.

    Not to take away from the possibilities of tremendous suffering, but this thing has become so politicized it is difficult to get a grasp on what is really happening. There is even partisan infighting within the CDC. The WHO is a UN agency and therefore useless.

    Anyway, wash your hands frequently and don’t put your hands to your face (he writes, after rubbing his eyes) and hope for the best.

  15. I’ve been suffering for 2 weeks from “early spring” allergies here in S. Texas that are the worst I’ve had in a long time.
    I don’t thing coronavirus is going to beat that.


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