New EPA regulations for safe water expected to cost municipalities billions – IOTW Report

New EPA regulations for safe water expected to cost municipalities billions


For the first time in 26 years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued new guidelines for drinking water safety. Municipal utilities will be required to install expensive filtration systems to lower the amount of PFAS in water supplies.

PFAS and PFOS are a class of 14,000 chemicals that contaminate the drinking water of more than 200 million Americans. The chemicals are used in a wide variety of products, from non-stick pans and stain-resistant treatments for clothing and furniture to semiconductor coatings and firefighting foam.

Iyala Simba, city programs director at the Illinois Environmental Council, says PFAS are miniscule chemical compounds that are impossible to see and impossible to avoid.

“Food wrappers and pizza boxes contain PFAS to make them grease-proof,” she told The Center Square. more

21 Comments on New EPA regulations for safe water expected to cost municipalities billions

  1. “… impossible to see and impossible to avoid….:
    ‘impossible to avoid’
    no, they aren’t, actually
    if you want to see them, look for the big truck that backs up to the loading dock every week, or in the railcar that is laying on its side
    as far as ‘impossible to avoid’- just stop using the fucking things
    simple as

    if gun makers are being sued, why can’t the manufacturers of these poisons be prosecuted?

  2. Well, one thing to be thankful for living in Maine.
    The Portland Water District, Sebago Lake treated w/ ozone, has less than 2 ppm.
    That’s a big jump though and some areas with not so great water are going to be in trouble. Money and facilities wise that is.

  3. Remember that these are EPA GUIDELINES. Not laws. However, would recommend following these, as PFAS and PFOS are found almost everywhere including water supplies.

    Use a water distiller with a carbon filter (such as, H2O Labs) for drinking.

    There is growing concern also for microscopic plastic fibers found in human blood, air, water systems and the general environment. Whether it’s a concern or not is still being studied.

    It’s best to drink eat, and cook using stainless steel, glass, wood, and other non-plastic dinner wear.

  4. The EPA is an un-Constitutional abomination.
    The Constitution does not grant the authority of “protecting” (subjective, at best) the “environment” (which has never been defined (like “woman”) and is open to “interpretation” and abuse) to the FedGov.

    The municipalities (successively) should ignore the lawless dictates of the EPA and stretch it out in the corrupt court system for a couple of decades.
    But, sadly, the state and local governments are as corrupt and tyrannical as the Federal.

    Fuck the Bozos

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. the industries and investors that make these toxic chemicals will benefit financially from this. They will invest and/or participate in the new requirements being satisfied. They always do.
    Maybe it isn’t overtly intentional this time, but often a problem is first ‘discovered’ (created), then a solution is created. (‘never waste a good crisis’)
    Why is there even an ‘allowable’ amount of such things?
    They are completely unnatural, man-made toxic substances.
    Detectability should be the threshold for human consumption.

  6. @pianamisic MARCH 22, 2023 AT 9:28 AM

    EPA guidelines tend to become EPA rules which are administrative law; could even be the article author’s misinterpritation and may be law already or at least be in the Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) stage.

    There are many of these “forever chemicals” out there, so yeah, expect lifestyles to be dialed back to the 20’s….the 1820’s.

  7. Just how soon will water be considered to be racist or sexist? That’s how absurd the left has become; everything is racist no matter what it is. Water will be declared racist because it has 2 hydrogen molecules and only one oxygen molecule thereby making oxygen a minority.

  8. Every food item and beverage that uses water during processing, even bottled water will now triple in price. Is this going to also effect farms and people that have their own wells, forcing them to either install this filtration system or capping their wells and paying a fortune for piping in and using this newly filtered water to keep their food plants and trees and the animals they raise that are used for food
    from absorbing or ingesting these chemicals which we would consume anyway?

    The simplest solution would be to immediately ban these chemicals and go back to wax or natural organic compounds to coat the inside of food boxes that required having inside surfaces treated and to treat clothing for stain resistance so we don’t absorb them from what we wear.

  9. OldCoot
    MARCH 22, 2023 AT 12:20 PM
    “They worry about this stuff, but then try to poison us with the clot shot.”

    That’s because its about control, not cure.

    They have no good intentions, This is just to further wreck this nation and kill people.


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