New Evidence Destroys Adam Schiff’s Theory About Trump Tower Meeting – IOTW Report

New Evidence Destroys Adam Schiff’s Theory About Trump Tower Meeting


The Senate Intelligence Committee obtained phone records showing Donald Trump Jr. did not speak with his father from a blocked telephone number in the days before the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June 2016.

The finding, first reported by CNN, undercuts Democrats’ theory Trump Jr. might have told his father in those phone calls about the Trump Tower meeting, which was held June 9, 2016, with a group of Russians who had offered dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Democrats led by California Rep. Adam Schiff long theorized the phone calls were between father and son and that they could have discussed the meeting.

“We wanted to get the phone records to determine, was Donald Trump talking to his son about this meeting,” Schiff told CNN in November 2018.

“It’s an obvious investigative step, but one the Republicans were unwilling to take because they were afraid of where the evidence might lead.”

Phone records provided to the Senate Intelligence panel shows the calls were between Trump Jr. and two business associates, according to CNN.

The calls were made in the days before the Trump Tower meeting. Another call occurred several hours after the meeting. The identity of the business associates is not clear.

Investigators with both the special counsel’s office and in Congress have been interested in the Trump Tower meeting because Trump Jr. accepted it after being told a Russian attorney wanted to provide information about Hillary Clinton.

The lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, showed up to the meeting with several Russian associates, including a Russian-American lobbyist named Rinat Akhmetshin.

Veselnitskaya and Akhmetshin also happened to be working during that same period with Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the Steele dossier. They have claimed the Trump Tower meeting had nothing to do with their work with Fusion GPS.

Jared Kushner and Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort also attended the meeting. But all parties involved have said the meeting was a waste of time. They’ve said Veselnitskaya merely used the meeting to discuss the Magnitsky Act, a U.S. sanctions law against Russia that is opposed by the Kremlin. Veselnitskaya provided a four-page memo that made only one small reference to Hillary Clinton.

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13 Comments on New Evidence Destroys Adam Schiff’s Theory About Trump Tower Meeting

  1. OED:

    4.a A scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an explanation or account of a group of facts or phenomena; a hypothesis that has been confirmed or established by observation or experiment, and is propounded or accepted as accounting for the known facts; a statement of what are held to be the general laws, principles, or causes of something known or observed.

    Schiff didn’t have a theory. He had an unfounded defamatory accusation.

  2. I have been informed by wholly unreliable sources with absolutely no reason to know that Adam Schiff and several high ranking Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, have been meeting with ISIS and Al Queda to promote terrorist attacks both domestic and international and flood the inboxes of unsuspecting men with various (and unnecessary) erectile dysfunction cures and penis enlargement devices. Of course, these baseless assertions are also completely bereft of any documentary support.

    I am currently monitoring Buzzfeed, CNN and MSNBC to determine when their non-stop reporting of this scandal will begin. In the meantime, we must obtain all phone records, emails, text messages, school records and entries to Publisher’s Clearing House contests of Adam Schiff. We should probably also raid his house in the pre-dawn hours and frog march him off to jail just to be safe.

  3. Going off topic.
    What’s the new crop of liberals and their Crazy Eyes?
    Shiff, OAC, Booker. They all have crazy eyes. Like they’re about to come undone.
    That should be a red flag about their characters


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