New Evidence Indicates Cross-Sex Hormones Trigger Major Heart Problems – IOTW Report

New Evidence Indicates Cross-Sex Hormones Trigger Major Heart Problems

The Federalist: The Western world is engaged in a massive and almost unregulated experiment on children and young adults. As gender dysphoria—the feeling of being trapped in a body of the opposite sex—takes hold and ramps up, physicians such as the notorious Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy are administering medical treatments that can literally ruin young people’s lives.

These doctors assure desperate patients and families (and a gullible press) that the medical interventions are safe. But the wall of silence about the true consequences is developing cracks.

The transgender activist lobby is ever vigilant to suppress research findings that conflict with their claims, or at least to intimidate dissident researchers into silence. This occurredrecently when Dr. Lisa Littman of Brown University published a study suggesting a psychological rather than physical basis for Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD)—when a teenager suddenly decides he or she is actually of the opposite sex.

Appropriately cowed, Brown quickly withdrew publicity for the study. But more research on related issues is seeping out, and activists may find themselves in a game of whack-a-mole that greatly compromises their credibility.

One medical intervention provided by physician allies of the transgender lobby is off-label administration of puberty blockers to children so their bodies won’t experience the normal maturation process. But this treatment has already been exposed for its dangerous side effects and irreversibility. Now the other primary non-surgical intervention—administration of cross-sex hormones (estrogen to gender-dysphoric boys, testosterone to gender-dysphoric girls)—is coming under scientific fire.

In January, researchers from the Netherlands published a study finding that therapy with cross-sex hormones can substantially increase the risks of acute cardiovascular events like heart attacks, strokes, and deep vein thrombosis. The study followed 2,517 men who were transitioning to a female appearance, with a median age of 30 and an average of nine years on hormone therapy, and 1,358 women who were transitioning to a male appearance, with a median age of 23 and an average of eight years on therapy. Their incidences of cardiovascular events were then compared to those of the general population. The numbers were startling.  more

20 Comments on New Evidence Indicates Cross-Sex Hormones Trigger Major Heart Problems

  1. …men and women are deeply, genetically different. Cutting things off, stitching things on, and fucking with your body chemistry will not change that. Everything from bone structure to brain wiring to muscle development, INCLUDING the heart…is different.

    No “doctor” can change that.

    God made you what you are. You can shake your fist in his face over it for awhile, but in the end…

    God is not mocked.

  2. Just identify as healthy, duh. People are being fired and professionally executed by a callout culture for the crime of stating the demonstrable truth.

  3. Good!
    These clowns think they know more than God when it comes to who and what they are.
    All the hormones in the world, along with mutulation of their anatomy cannot change a he to a she or visa versa.
    Funny how global warming is considered settled science, but sex of a person is based upon whatever some sicko determines he, she, or it is.
    Executing a convicted brutal mass murderer is wrong, but killing a baby is choice.
    Remember Superman’s nemesis Bizarro, his mirror image opposite.
    Welcome to the Bizarro world of liberalism.

  4. Some of you probably never heard of Christine Jorgensen who was the first man to get the male to female operation (whatever you want to call it, it has many names). It’s not a natural act, so of course putting hormones and pharmaceuticals into your body for life, will have some kind of bad effect. He/she died of cancer. I’d say that the sexual revolution kicked her/him in the ass back.

    Jorgensen said in 1989, the year of her death, that she had given the sexual revolution a “good swift kick in the pants”. She died of bladder and lung cancer four weeks short of her 63rd birthday. Her ashes were scattered off Dana Point, California.

  5. I feel sorry for the children who are having their minds screwed up by their parents, the rest of them though too damn bad, anyone with half a brain should know doing this to themselves is not going to turn out well.


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