New Fauci-Zuckerberg Emails Reveal Offer of ‘Data Reports’ To Aid Lockdown Policies, Vaccine Development – IOTW Report

New Fauci-Zuckerberg Emails Reveal Offer of ‘Data Reports’ To Aid Lockdown Policies, Vaccine Development

National Pulse: In private emails between Mark Zuckerberg and Anthony Fauci – obtained exclusively by The National Pulse – the Facebook founder and CEO offered to send “data reports” on users to “facilitate decisions” about COVID-19 lockdowns.

The revelation is a stark example of how Big Tech corporates and government can easily collude using user data to restrict the liberties of the general public.

In the exchange, Zuckerberg insists: “I want to make sure you have all the resources you need to expedite the development of a vaccine.”

Zuckerberg – whose personal foundation referenced in the email plowed hundreds of millions of dollars into securing a victory for then-candidate Joe Biden in 2020 – offered the assistance to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director just one month after the pair had connected over emails that were redacted by the U.S. government.

In full, Zuckerberg’s April 8th email to Fauci reads: MORE

5 Comments on New Fauci-Zuckerberg Emails Reveal Offer of ‘Data Reports’ To Aid Lockdown Policies, Vaccine Development

  1. One might say that this was done for the greater good.

    It seems that these revelations of skullduggery by the elites, which are cropping up as journo “scoops”, are in fact intentional notifications their exploits, both to let us hoi polloi know how things are now and to credit themselves with being so forward-thinking in the interest of humanity. Medals and awards all around for the Masters of the Universe.

  2. Amazing the coordinated effort by everyone in the media to push this story. Even so-called conservatives always include the phrase; “not I’m vaccinated and I don’t know why anyone isn’t, but that’s your personal choice.” Just like they used to always throw in the phrase; “Not Obama is a good man, a good husband and father.” whenever they had a negative story about him.
    I was listening to Fox Sports Radio while I was on the road yesterday. They are 100% branch covidians, and will spend hours talking about how stupid anyone who doesn’t get the jab is. Yesterday one of their top stories was about how many vaccinated athletes have covid right now; something like 80 in the NFL alone. Trust me, they didn’t spend hours on that story, it was more of an afterthought, nothing to see here type of story.
    I’m getting very tired of all of this BS, and I don’t see an end in sight.

  3. This massive collusion between government and corporations at the expense of the people seems to be the very essence of Fascism. Like school boards, there’s just too much money involved. Notice how the last several democrat presidents and vice presidents have retired to embarrassing, third-world dictator levels of wealth? Coincidence? I think not.


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