‘New FBI texts reveal that the Obama White House was involved in the Russiagate scandal’ – IOTW Report

‘New FBI texts reveal that the Obama White House was involved in the Russiagate scandal’

h/t Dan Bongino


Just nine days before the FBI applied for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil a top Trump campaign aide, bureau officials were battling with a senior Justice Department official who had “continued concerns” about the “possible bias” of a source pivotal to the application, according to internal text messages obtained by Fox News.

The 2016 messages, sent between former FBI lawyer Lisa Page and then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, also reveal that bureau brass circulated at least two anti-Trump blog articles, including a Lawfare blog post sent shortly after Election Day that called Trump possibly “among the major threats to the security of the country.”

Another article, sent by Page in July 2016 as the FBI’s counterintelligence probe into Russian election interference was kicking off, flatly called Trump a “useful idiot” for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Page told McCabe that then-FBI Director James Comey had “surely” read that piece. Both articles were authored in whole or part by Benjamin Wittes, a Comey friend.

Further, the texts show that on Sept. 12, 2016, Page forwarded to McCabe some “unsolicited comments” calling then-GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy a “total d–k.” Gowdy, at the time, was grilling FBI congressional affairs director Jason Herring at a hearing on the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email investigation.

But perhaps the most significant Page-McCabe communications made plain the DOJ’s worries that the FISA application to surveil Trump aide Carter Page was based on a potentially biased source — and underscored the FBI’s desire to press on.

Fox News is told the texts were connected to the ultimately successful Page application, which relied in part on information from British ex-spy Christopher Steele – whose anti-Trump views are now well-documented – and cited Page’s suspected Russia ties. In its warrant application, the FBI assured the FISA court on numerous occasions that other sources independently corroborated Steele’s claims but did not clearly state that Steele worked for a firm hired by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Carter Page has not been charged with any wrongdoing despite more than a year of federal surveillance, and he has since sued numerous actors — including the Democratic National Committee (DNC) — for defamation related to claims that he worked with Russia.

“OI [Office of Intelligence] now has a robust explanation re any possible bias of the chs [confidential human source] in the package,” Lisa Page wrote to McCabe on Oct. 12, 2016. “Don’t know what the holdup is now, other than Stu’s continued concerns.”

It’s unclear whether the confidential source in question was Steele or another individual. “Stu” was an apparent reference to Stuart Evans, then the DOJ’s National Security Division deputy assistant attorney general. In one previously unearthed and since-unredacted text message, former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok texted Lisa Page that he was “Currently fighting with Stu for this FISA” in late 2016.

“Strong operational need to have in place before Monday if at all possible, which means to ct tomorrow,” Page added. “I communicated you and boss’s green light to Stu earlier, and just sent an email to Stu asking where things stood. This might take a high-level push. Will keep you posted.”  more here


And from July 24th 2018…


Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper revealed in an interview last week that if not for President Obama asking for an intelligence community assessment that “set off a whole sequence of events” we would not have the Mueller investigation. Clapper, a CNN contributor, said the effects of that intel assessment “are still unfolding today.”

“One point I’d like to make, Anderson, that I don’t think has come up very much before, and I’m alluding now to the President’s criticism of President Obama for all that he did or didn’t do before he left office with respect to the Russian meddling. If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller’s investigation,” Clapper said Wednesday on CNN. keep reading

15 Comments on ‘New FBI texts reveal that the Obama White House was involved in the Russiagate scandal’

  1. But of course. I also saw an article somewhere today that a bus took the House Dems to a meeting with obama today. Looks like he’s still trying to interfere in our govt. from wherever he’s hiding out. Be interesting to see what they’ve discussed as their new crazy starts leaking out in the next few weeks.

    He is continuing to engage in treason.

  2. I suspect that the next month will be revealing and will hopefully include pre dawn SWAT raids, turning these sneaky shits into canaries that will lead to the ultimate Dr. Evil. I’m sure Trump is angry enough that he will release the hounds on all these traitors.

    The more I learn, the angrier I get.

  3. The guilty dems better watch out. I hear soon they will be woken up at 3 am and their houses raided. Then perp walked in front of Fox News cameras as they are taken off to jail.

    Tick Tock.

  4. Gladys: I also read about the bus of democrats going to meet with Obama today. Sounds like he maybe still running things in Washington from the shadows. The democrats most likely need more instructions from their leader who’s still at the wheel. I wonder if taxpayers paid for the bus trip???

  5. Greatest scandal in the history of this country. Makes Teapot Dome look like a tempest in a teacup.

    Makes Watergate look like a water park.

    There must be a reckoning, jail and maybe worse. These people should be afraid to walk the streets and be seen in public for fear of what will happen if they do.

  6. “Treason doth never prosper, what’s the reason?
    For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason.”

    Obola has treason running in his veins.
    His hatred and contempt of America is palpable.
    Come to think of it, his hatred and contempt of civilization, itself, is palpable.
    His is a mud-hut mind.
    It is truly sad that so many are mesmerized by this prating, prancing degenerate.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Old news. I believe everyone with a functioning mind knew this was the case two years ago.
    Just as nothing was done about Hillary and Smolette no negative consequences will follow hard indisputable evidence of this wrong doing. Was any price paid for delivering pallets loaded with cash sent to Iran, who we know built weapons that killed Americans? Nope.

  8. Why is anyone surprised that the intelligence services were weaponized against a political opponent. Obama is a product of Chicago’s dirty politics he asked that an opponents Sealed Divorce records be made public in his senate race(I believe). So why wouldn’t he use every asset he has to defeat a political opponent legal or not. hillary did not campaign in wisconsin and other states because she belied president trump WOULD BE AT LEAST CRIPPLED IF NOT DESTROYED. By the russian collusion accusation.


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