New federal rule to allow other methods of execution besides lethal injection – IOTW Report

New federal rule to allow other methods of execution besides lethal injection

Just The News:

The Justice Department is changing its execution protocols, so that federal executions are no longer required to be done by lethal injection only. 

The amended rule, as reported by the AP, allows the government to use lethal injection or “any other manner prescribed by the law of the state in which the sentence was imposed.” The rule was published in the Federal Register on Friday. 

Those other manners include “electrocution, inhaling nitrogen gas or death by firing squad.” The amended rule goes into effect on Dec. 24 and comes as the DOJ has scheduled five executions during this lame-duck period. 

The reason for the change, according to a Justice Department official, is “the Federal Death Penalty Act requires sentences be carried out in the ‘in the manner prescribed by the law of the state in which the sentence is imposed,’ and some of those states use methods other than lethal injection.”  more

23 Comments on New federal rule to allow other methods of execution besides lethal injection

  1. Please pardon my uncivil imagination but has no State ordained death by hungry feral hogs yet? Seems appropriate for those disposed to kill/rape/torture everyone they can and burn cities to the ground.

  2. Three guys are captured by a tribe of natives in a far off land. They are brought before the tribal leader who gives them a choice. He says, “what will you have, death or bufu?”.
    The first guys thinks, hmmm wonder what bufu is. “I’ll take the bufu”. The tribal leader says, “good, him close bufu.” Then a dozen tribal members line up and give it to him in the ass.
    The tribal leader turns to the second guy and gives him the choice, death, or bufu. The second guy thinks, hmm, that bufu thing is pretty nasty. But death is permanent, “I’ll take the bufu”. Tribal leader says, “good, him choose bufu, and a hundred tribesmen line up and give him the bufu .
    The tribal leader gives the choice to the third captive. He thinks a while, hmm, first it was a dozen, then it was a hundred, I don’t know man. Heck with it, “I’ll take death”. The tribal leader says, “good, him choose death, by bufu!”

  3. Nitrogen suffocation. Just use a gas chamber and pump in pure nitrogen gas. The condemned will simply die without even knowing it and there’s no dangerous gas to worry about.

  4. Livestock slaughter houses have already got this perfected. Captive bolt stunner to the forehead, then bleed ’em out while unconscious. Fast, humane, and very, very cheap.

    It isn’t really necessary, but turning the convict into a steer first would be satisfying.


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