New Gay Sex Scandal Hits Capitol – IOTW Report

New Gay Sex Scandal Hits Capitol

Breitbart: A report revealed that the House investigated a second gay sex scandal as Washington, DC, reels from the initial emergence of a graphic pornographic video filmed by a Senate aide.

“Purported, unbecoming behavior” from his senior staffer triggered Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) to initiate an investigation, reports Semafor.

The behavior in question is linked to a second set of Capitol sex videos, which Semafor reports circulated on the social media site Snapchat in 2022 but did not release. A source provided recordings featured in the Snapchat story of a user going by “Adam J” with the handle “Anjackson2019.” MORE

15 Comments on New Gay Sex Scandal Hits Capitol

  1. I’ve been retired 15 years and the fags were meeting in the Longworth Building 6th floor shithouse back then.
    USCP would put a stop to it for a couple of days and then they’d start up again.
    Capitol Hill is infested with perverts, grifters, traitors, liars, and thieves.
    Has been since before the War of 1812.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Seems since FJB was installed a large percentage of new hires have been perverts or very confused people. Hedonism, perversion, inability to recognize reality, lies and the march toward tyranny seems to be the order of the day.

  3. Vicious Sid
    FRIDAY, 22 DECEMBER 2023, 8:04 AT 8:04 AM

    “Hedonism, perversion, inability to recognize reality, lies and the march toward tyranny seems to be the order of the day.”

    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

  4. “We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” the former president and 2024 candidate said. “With the help of many of the people here tonight in recent years, our movement has taken incredible strides, the strides you’ve made here is incredible.”

    Scenes from a celebration of the same-sex marriage law — at Mar-a-Lago

    Everyone is flabbergasted at the liberals and gays in the White House, yet here’s your former President holding a party for them and celebrating who they are!!!

    NO ONE CAN CRITICIZE THE DEMOCRATS! Republicans are just as bad if not worse. Trump has been a Democrat, a Republican and an Independent. Whichever the way the wind blows for him. What we had under Trump was only temporary.

  5. Goldenfoxx, I get what you’re saying, and I didn’t like it as well, but the honest truth is Trump will be the GOP nominee. Another honest truth is all the rest are even worse.
    More honesty is until this country turns back to God, the country is going to continue to sink. Personally, I don’t see it happening, far too many want to tout the changing times, because they’re too far gone to know God doesn’t change.
    Years ago I had a disagreement with a preacher and a deacon over allowing homosexuals to be involved with Church. Their argument was we’re to forgive the sinner not the sin and hearing the gospel will change their hearts. My argument was they have to actually hear their sin will end in a lake of fire, preaching only love and forgiveness and avoiding the consequences of sin to not offend will allow them to turn more away from following the gospel than it will turning them towards God.
    I quit going to the Church, because frankly it was disgusting, they had two homosexual couples, on couple male, the other female. They would spend the service heavy petting and heaven forbid anyone “offend” them. The Church now marries them.
    People don’t like hearing it but there was a reason the disciples told believers to remove themselves from such people.


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