New geology study explains how rocks can help ‘heal’ racism – IOTW Report

New geology study explains how rocks can help ‘heal’ racism

Campus Reform

A recent study purports to prove that geology can contribute to the “healing process” from racism. 

University of San Diego professors Diane Marie Keeling and Bethany O’Shea published a study titled “Conceptualizing Black Humanity Through Geopoetic Intimacy and Resistance: Memory Making-with Geologic Materials” on Jan. 27. 

“Materials of geologic composition like soil, and those made from earth materials, such as steel and bricks, are employed to trope the bodies of lynching victims and weather racist geologic formations of subjecthood,” the study abstract reads. “The holding and eroding of violent memories crafts an intimate and resistant geopoetics of Black humanity.” more

29 Comments on New geology study explains how rocks can help ‘heal’ racism

  1. Start selling “Pet Rocks” once again.
    We could have “special” rocks for black folk.

    White folk overwhelmingly prefer their geologic composition to be Concentrated lead ore, after high-temperature step of smelting to create lead bullion. The Bullion is refined, sold and eventually poured into various molds of calibers that White Folk prefer as their rocks.

    I prefer .45 acp as my chosen geological composition, not the go all DEI about it, I also enjoy all calibers.

    And I never went to USD !
    Southern Illinois University, a practical Education in the 1970s for me.

  2. i assume they could not find anything of scientific merit to produce so they produced what is in essence a testament to their stupidity and lack of qualifications for the job they have.


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